Ha! Fooled ya -- I don't even drink coffee. This is just as addicting, though. What do you reach for every morning to wake you up?
How is your morning going? If you leave a link to your Monday Morning post in the comments section, I'll go visit and leave a comment.
LOL-I was "stuck" on Google for an hour and a half last night! This morning I'm trying to catch up on my blog reading before Sesame Street ends! :)
My morning wake up consists of...
1)My soldier kissing my goodbye
2) Hugs from my daughter
3) Twitter
4) Blogger
5) Coffee
6) Oatmeal with strawberries
Not necessarily in that order. :)
Monday mornings I hit the ground running!
1) Mass
2) Breakfast
3) Bills
4) Getting to the computer! :)
Me too... I have a schedule all written up which includes showering before computer time, but generally I get up and rush to the computer first to check emails, and MAYBE let the cat out on my way.
I reach for the same as you, but Ireally do reach for the coffee while reaching for the computer (does that even make sense?)
a cuppa joe! Seriously, I need my coffee with splenda and cream!
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