My sister just sent me a cd with a whole bunch of childhood photos that she scanned into digital format. While it's been fun looking at the photos, I have to admit that after I had finished looking at all of them, one of my first thoughts was: I'm not as cute as I thought I was! I was comparing my reaction to Baby Bonggamom to our photos of Pea, 3Po and Jammy, and I was definitely coming up short on the cuteness factor. Which makes my reaction perfectly natural, I guess, since most parents think their kids are the cutest in the world. I wonder what my parents thought of me -- did they think I was the cutest thing ever? -- and how their children compare with their grandchildren? What will I think of my grandchildren?
Oops, this was supposed to be Wordless Wednesday. Oh well; I'm sure these people are better at Wordless Wednesday than I am.
you know thats so funny because me and my husband were looking at old photos of our 1st born and were like ewww, i swear i thought she was cuter than that-hahhaha!
great picture!
LOL! I just love looking at old pics too. Funny - my sister seems to be the one that has them all :)
I'm sure your parents did think you were cute :) I would say that both of the girls in this picture are absolutely cute! :)
You were definitely cute and still are!
I think you were pretty darn cute :)
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