More photos of Graham's cake

This week's Photo Hunters theme is Architecture.

A somewhat different take on "architecture".... here's a photo showing the underlying structure of Graham's birthday cake. Because it's a rather dense cake, the wise lady our local cake supply store suggested I might need to reinforce the first layer a bit so it could support the second.

She thought that wooden dowels would be a bit of overkill, but plastic straws would do the trick. Pretty neat, huh? She was right; the cake didn't collapse. Here once again is the final product:

And here is the birthday boy enjoying his surprise party and cake:

For more Photo Hunters, click here.


srp said...

I never thought about it that way before, but there is some architectural design that has to go into some of those birthday and wedding cakes.

Linda said...

What a clever idea, I'll have to keep that one in mind next time I can't figure out how to keep a cake from sliding!

Great use of the theme, too!

A. said...

What a wonderful cake - and a great idea for the architecture theme!

Thanks for passing by!

Anonymous said...

Great cake! Definitely a great idea for the architecture theme :) My photo is up

ribbiticus said...

haha! love your take on this week's theme. you are very artistic! kakainggit! ;)

jennyr said...

wow!that's such a cool cake design! i bet it's really good! very cool choice for this week!!!

Gattina said...

a sweet architectural masterpiece, lol !

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, yummy cake! And that's some architecture behind it. I never thought of the straws, i'd be sure to remember it when I bake a heavy cake.
Have a great weekend!

Viamarie said...

Great idea for the theme.

Enjoy your weekend!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Creative take on architecture! What a great looking cake. :)

Anonymous said...

Great take on the theme and a YUMMY looking cake!!!

Patricia said...

"Building" a cake! I love it! Very creative. I'm baking a birthday cake today, as well! Blessings!

Caylynn said...

Yum! That cake looks delicious. :) Creative take on the theme!


Cake looks delicious.
Thanks for the visit.

roman said...

A nice twist to the theme, I hope that you saved my a slice. Boy do I love cakes.
Great picture.

Happy Hunting

Delete said...

Great take on the theme! The cake looks beautiful. I need to learn to be a bit more creative with my cake baking skills. Did you use two different size pans?

Heart of Rachel said...

I love your interpretation for this week's theme. A refreshing idea.

Belated Happy Birthday to your son, Graham. It's a lovely cake! I'm sure everybody loved it.

Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Oh - I love your take on this week's architecture theme. Very original and very YUMMY!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Sarah said...

Great photo, certainly different from everyone else's take on the theme!

Teena in Toronto said...


Thanks for stopping by mine :)

bonggamom said...

Hi Jennifer, thanks for the comments, I did use 2 different sized pans, a 6-inch and 8-inch.

PastormacsAnn said...

Architecture can be found in so many things. Beautiful creation and I bet it was delicious. Can't say that about many of the Photo Hunter's posts today I bet.

Anonymous said...

That's a neat take on the theme, and it is true architectural skills are needed with cakes. :D

Andree said...

That's not a cake, it's a work of art! I'm so jealous that you can do that!

PowersTwinB said...

I love the take on the theme this week! Of course, then we are ALL ARCHITECTURES when we bake, I just never thought of that! My photo is up, please come and visit soon

Anonymous said...

Great take on the theme! And what a tasty looking cake!

Lisa said...

Very creative - nice take on the theme. Happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

This is the most unique set of pictures I've seen so far! That cake is seriously making me drool. yum!

Patty said...

Cute twist on todays theme. Happy birthday to the birthday boy
My photo is up

Claire said...

A very yummy take on the theme, i will have to remember the plastic straw tip.
You were correct on my photo, it is indeed England,the Yorkshire Dales. When you mentioned the sky was it because the weather looks dismal?