Things that inspire me:
My house. I love how it looks and how much we enjoy living in it, so it inspires this former slob to make the beds in the morning, to vacuum and scrub the floors, to pick up the mess and clutter. Now that we're featured in the Charming Cottages of Palo Alto tour (a benefit for Mills College), we're going to have to fix the house up even more. But it's worth it.
My house. I love how it looks and how much we enjoy living in it, so it inspires this former slob to make the beds in the morning, to vacuum and scrub the floors, to pick up the mess and clutter. Now that we're featured in the Charming Cottages of Palo Alto tour (a benefit for Mills College), we're going to have to fix the house up even more. But it's worth it.

My weighing scale inspires me to eat well. When I really, really want to eat more of the muffins that are downstairs, I see the numbers on the scale and it reminds me that whatever passes through my lips ends up on my hips.
The Food Network shows, especially Ace of Cakes, Food Network Challenge, and Nigella Bites. They inspire me to create dishes that are beautiful and delicious instead of opening a can or the freezer.
Places that inspire me:
The view from our second-floor landing. Even though we live in the midst of suburbia, the house-free view of trees and flowers, sun and sky inspire me to take a deep breath and remember that life is good.
Yosemite National Park. The majestic views inspire me to look for ways to reuse, reduce and recyle, to help keep the rest of the planet looking just as beautiful.
Punta Bulata beach in the Philippines reminds me that without family, we are adrift and alone in this world, and it inspires me to stay close to my brothers, sisters and parents despite the distance.
People that inspire me:
My friend, The Serving Wench, is my work-family balance inspiration. She always shows up for mid-afternoon playdates and drives her son to his preschool, so I actually had no idea she had a full-time job.
My friends, The Divine Miss B and her inspiration, The Incredible Shrinking Woman, are my commitment inspirations. Both of these women overcame staggering odds to lose and maintain a significant amount of weight (we're talking over 100 lbs. each).
My family inspires me to get up in the morning and live my life as best as I can.
And The Writers of Sunday Scribblings inspire me to sit down and write about it!
For more inspiration, click here.
You've shared some great sources of inspiration. I've only been to Yosemite once, but my soul was forever marked by the beauty I saw there.
You lucky, lucky woman living in a charming cottage in Palo Alto! I miss Palo Alto and the Bay Area. Yosemite is definitely an inspiring sight. Lovely account of what inspires you (I'm a Nigella Lawson fan too).
very nice inspirations. I'm envious of the house...the good envy complete with happiness for you. ;).
Love the scale inspiration. I don't feel that way, but perhaps I could...
Hee hee! We certainly are similar! But it just goes to show how the simple things in our lives can be so inspiring...
Lovely list indeed...
love the way you broke this down into categories. Nice take on prompt. Thanks for visiting me! :)
I can envision everything you wrote about.
And I can picture your beautiful house.
Inspiring for sure.
I'm glad I stopped by.
I'm a bay area gal and my mom had a house near there...congrats! Wonderful inspirations :)
Thank you for your list and descriptions of your inspirations. My brother used to live near Palo Alto, and I recognize that style of architecture you describe from the photo you included. Good luck with the tour! It sounds fun.
I loved all your different ideas on inspiration. I missed doing it this week as was ill all day yesterday but wish I had done now as everyone's inspirations are so 'inspiring'
Hi :) you write REALLY well! I found you through the Pinoy Moms Network and will link your blog to mine so I can visit more often. I went to visit the Punta Bulata website. Beautiful!! I will take the family there next summer. Looks really enticing!
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