Smelly or Sweet?

Witches fingers and toes sure are smelly, aren't they?

Today was an unbelievably rainy day, so to beat the "Mama, what can I do noooooooow?" syndrome, we practiced making these cute snacks for our upcoming Halloween party. It's super-simple: dip pretzel rods into green melted Wilton's Candymelts, then stick a sliced almond at the tip for a fingernail. I added swirls to look like knuckles, and voila!

The kids had a blast making these. The only problem was, 3Po kept absentmindedly sucking on his pretzel rod while waiting for his turn to dip. It was difficult to convince him that his pretzel would be considered more of a smelly old trick than a sweet treat if he were to dip it and offer it up as a party snack.

For more smelly things, click here.


Samantha & Mom said...

Those are so cute!! And smelly looking! They llok yummy!
Your FL furiends,

Anonymous said...

what a great idea! I think they are sweet versus smelly :) Great job!

Ingrid said...

What a wonderful idea ! I learn a lot about Halloween here on all blogs, because in Belgium it's not yet that celebrated. Here in Waterloo a lot of Americans are living so they brought the use over and some people are celebrating it now too. But of course we don't know all these little "extras", lol !

Joyismygoal said...

yumm pretzels dipped in anything is wonderful

Joyismygoal said...


GHD said...

Clever. Creative, and keeps kids occupied. I love it!

Great idea. Great photo.

Lynn said...

This looks really fun, fun enough to keep the kids busy and delighted.

Heart of Rachel said...

Wow, cool Halloween treats. Great job!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Those look like very cool Hallowe'en treats. :) They sound like fun to make too! Too funny about 3Po sucking his pretzels!

My smelly photo.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Ain't there clean witches somewhere?

eastcoastlife said...

Oooo.... I want to make that too! What a great idea you have! They look awesome.
*rubbing my hands in glee*

Andree said...

That sounds so easy that I think I could even do it. Even in school! Thanks for the tips!

Hootin Anni said...

What a perfect Halloween you're going to have!! I love it all!!

Drop by and see my "smelly blog" today if you have time.

Anonymous said...

Awesome idea! Those look yummy.

Whirlwind said...

What a great snack. Very creative!

Anonymous said...

That's such a great idea, and they turned out so cute and ghoulish!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea for kids. Thanks for the recipe! Great photo and have a good weekend.

Mommy Lutchi said...

smelly yummy........Mine is up at My two Cents Worth and
The 4 Seasons Of My Life I hope you can visit me too.

CRIZ LAI said...

Trick or treat? I don't mine if they are smelly..just give me a bite.. haha. Beautiful shot you have here this week. Happy Halloween too :)