
This week's Photo Hunters Theme is Five.

(This is the very first photo we have of us as a complete family, all five members. I know I look horrible, but I had just pushed about 14 lbs. of baby out of me a couple of hours before.)

Five is a great number. It's the number of vowels in the alphabet. The number of senses. The number of oceans in the world. Best of all, Five is the number of people I have in my family.

Five can be an awkward number for a family. Vacation packages are always quoted in terms of a family of four. Kids-eat-free specials at restaurants are always "One child free with paid adult". Five means that mom and dad are outnumbered. Five means that one kid sometimes feels left out.

But we are like the five fingers on a hand --add or subtract one and we'd find it weird. Like fingers, each can move on its own, but is part of a team that does great things together. So even though we haven't quite figured out the best seating configuration on an airplane, we love being a Family of Five.


Whirlwind said...

Cool picture. I had to recount - I didn't see the second baby.

Jose said...

Where's the fifth family member? OMG wait never mind I see it. Wow, congratulations, I too had to take a super close look at the picture.

Girlie said...

My first thought was, Bongga Mom, you've miscounted...and OMG- 14 pounds baby? I thought my 10.5 was big, I cannot imagine bigger than that...then I looked closely and saw.

Congratulations and best wishes on your beautiful family!

Anonymous said...

I think you look like a glowing new mom of twins in that picture! What a great description of five!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful!!! You have a beautiful family.

Melli said...

That is darling! MY twins are now 17 years old - and graduating High School this month! Wow, time flies! ENJOY them!!!

ipanema said...

It's always a lovely feeling if the family is complete.

You have a beautiful family. :)

bonggamom said...

OMG that's so funny! I never even thought to point out that there is a second baby snuggled in my arms, one on either side of my daughter. Just count the number of Santa caps to make sure :)

Anonymous said...

Wow--I thought 2 years apart each was rough. :) Isn't 5 wonderful! I find that often restaraunts are willing to add the extra kid at a discount (though they have no clue how much my kids eat!)

soccer mom in denial said...

Bongga mom - I loved the name without knowing its meaning. After reading the meaning, can I be one too?!

I'm also a mom of twin boys and a single girl although my boys came first. I think anyone who has twins as their subsequent pregnancy deserve a medal (and a month in a spa) since you know how hard it is with just one. I was oblivious.

Happy photo though and for someone who just pushed - you look AWESOME!!

Anonymous said...

I love your photo--congrats!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet family you have :)

Btw: the calendar month I photographed is actually Colombia, but it does look like a Jeepney from the Philippines - I guess they must have something similar in Colombia ;)

eph2810 said...

Wow - way cool that you had twins the 'natural' way...And you look amazing :)
I think you put it right - a hand has five fingers -- each can move by itself, but is not complete with the others.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said...

OH you are beautiful!!!! Babys make you glow. ;) Wonderful take on the "5".

BTW, you got Quincy's hands has middle top correct. His are the biggest for 13. Jarod is on the right corner with 2 hands too. Poor Teresa threw a fit and only got one hand in with her "famous" Watermelon dress showing behind her dress. Thanks for the visit!

Biker Betty said...

What a beautiful family photo. You look great. This is a wonderful photo for five!!! Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you don't look bad for just giving birth to twins.

Great post about the number "five"!

Happy Mom's Day!

Jenn in Holland said...

I think you look fantastic in this photo! AND radiant.
What a lovely post.
We are a family of FIVE as well. It is a very good number.

Heart of Rachel said...

I think you look great after just giving birth. I think five is a good number and it must be great being a happy family of five.

Thanks for visiting my photo hunt. Oh my, I remember that Sesame Street episode that featured the Babushka dolls.

c said...

Happy Mother's Day and thanks for stopping by :)

deedee said...

You guys make five look very sweet indeed. happy American Mother's Day.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Great family photo. :) Wonderful sentiments about being a family of five. :) You look tired but happy in the photo, not horrible.

Anonymous said...

Nice. happy Mothers day.

Unknown said...

A very nice looking family of five you have there.

Jennifer said...

Well, I think you look beautiful in that photo! Great picture, and I love what you wrote - just beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo, and family. Thank you for sharing, and happy photo hunting .. :)

LibertyBelle said...

What a great idea for the theme!
Lovely photo too!
Happy Weekend!
Drop by my Saturday Hunt and read about the children of Romania.

Barb said...

First I have to say you look wonderful!

I know exactly what you mean about being a family of five, too!

I LOVE Bette, too :)

Anonymous said...

Great picture! Love your thoughts on a family of five!

My FIVE are up!

(From a mom of a dozen kids!)

Tara said...

What a perfect post with Mother's day tomorrow! And you look great! I too didn't see the second head for a long time...

A. said...

Wonderful picture, one to treasure. It took me a while to see the second babay too!

letha said...

You don't look horrible, you look positively lovely and happy.

heidi @ ggip said...

Wonderful! Congratulations on a lovely family!

The Open Range Camping Family said...

What a great picture! And you look beautiful :)

Jane said...

You look great! Very happy! Congrats!

BenSpark said...

What a beautiful family. Happy Photo Hunting.

Anonymous said...

Lovely photo! And I love your reasoning. :)

PowersTwinB said...

Happy Mothers Day...bu then seeing your 3 children, it will be a wonderful Mothers Day...Great photo. Please visit my photo when you get a minute!

Lynn said...

I like your analogy, I like what you said on the last paragraph. :)

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

You look GREAT and the whole write-up was wonderful. Five is a good number!

srp said...

What a great looking family of five!!! And this is a day for MOM afterall!

Teena in Toronto said...

What a cute picture! I think you look awesome considering you just pushed out 14 pounds of baby!

Thanks for stopping by mine :)

Samantha & Mom said...

What a cute family. Twins. My mom's dad was a twin. You look wonderful. Thank you for the comment on the pictures. Mom had a hard time just picking five, She has millions of them. Have a marvelous Monday.
Samantha & Tigger