.... saying the usual pirate phrases like "Arrrr, matey!" and "I be a scurrrvy pirate!" and "Ahoy there!" and "Walk the plank!"

Love is trying to keep a straight face and hide your smile so your child doesn't realize that he looks adorable, not scary. Love is doing your best to pretend that he's a really fearsome pirate, even though you just want to pinch his cheek and say "You're cuuuute!" (because the pirate would be offended).
3Po = little Cesar! =)
I've always claimed that 3Po looks like the young Cesar!
[3Po's Daddy.]
Oh cute! Where do you find these costumes? Craigslist?
Aaaaarrr - thar be pirates here. A cute bunch of scalliwags if ever I saw one.
awesome shots... ang k-cute! Ever since we watched PoC my 3-year old loved pirates. We even have a song now. I have been thinking of getting him a costume but I ended up buying a spiderman one hehe
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