The sweetest pink there is

I own several pink shirts, but this one is one that I'm extra-proud to be wearing. Money alone couldn't buy it -- I had to run 13.1 miles to get it.

And speaking of pink, the image below is quite possibly the most significant and important pink there is -- this symbol of courage, hope, life and love. I saw many runners wearing the pink ribbon in last week's race. My grandmother and aunt have fought -- and beat -- breast cancer, so it has a place in my heart, too. Now go and get that mammogram, ladies!

For more shades of pink, click here.


Anonymous said...

Congrats to you! :)

I'm very proud of ya.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend.

Ingrid said...

Pink suits you well !!
I only knew here on the blogs the meaning of pink color for Americans. I never heard about it here in Europe. Usually pink is considered for something sweet like baby girls who are always dressed in pink. So for me it's hard to associate pink with cancer, I won't even try it !

ipanema said...

that's PINK for a cause. great idea!

happy weekend! :)

Katney said...

Way to go! I could never run, but I can walk and am doing more and more of it. I will be so ready when I walk again next year for Breast Cancer.

Thanks for stopping by my pink picture. I am wearing my pink shirt now, too.

eastcoastlife said...

Wow! 13 miles to get that shirt, I can't make it. hehehe......

Thanks for spreading the Breast Cancer Awareness Month message.

maiylah said...

yup, that image is the most important pink symbol! you look good in that shirt! :)
thanks for visiting!

My PhotoHunt:Pink post

Joyismygoal said...

yes prettyin pink

Anonymous said...

You should be extra-proud. It's for a great cause! :)

PastormacsAnn said...

Great pick for our "pink" theme. Very appropriate.

Congrats and completing the run!

Andree said...

You ran that far? I'm so impressed! You have chosen the perfect post for today. Great work.

Katya said...

Excellent choices for the theme! Wow! I don't think I could ever run 13.1 miles! The thought of it makes me PINK! hehehe

Happy Weekend!

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Great take on the pink topic. And 13 miles is a big WOW!

Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said...

Certainly these days you cannot possibly here the word pink and not automatically think of breast cancer awareness!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Congratulations on running the half-marathon! :) Both of my humans have run many halfs, and several full marathons as well! :)

My pink photo.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Congratulations! That is no mean feat. Thank you for sharing your inspiring story.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

That is a shirt to be proud of.

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

This is the best picture yet! Congrats on running 13.1 to get the shirt and congrats to your grandmother and aunt for beating cancer. They must be strong women! Thanks for this very inspirational photo hunt :)

Anonymous said...

You are ROCKIN' that shirt. Congrats again! :)

Anonymous said...

beautiful post for pink!! Happy Saturday. said...

Wow! You run 13 miles!! Congrats to You!! Happy about your family getting well! Thanks for your visit. Have a great weekend, Blessings, Grams

Liz said...

Bongga! Thanks for the visit...and yes... I do let my husband see the little pink Would you like to exchange links? Please message me.... happy sunday!

Baba said...

Congrats on your run....My daughter beat breast cancer over 5 years ago..Thanks for your visit. Baba


Hurrah for you! 13.1 miles to run is no joke. You have very significant pink colors on your post most especially the pink ribbon.
Thanks for passing by.

Unknown said...

you are awesome

deedee said...

Congratulations! I have another friend that just ran a half-marathon, too. I'm in admiration :)

Anonymous said...

Great choice! One of my best friends from college is a BC survivor. Thanks for the reminder!

Heart of Rachel said...

Congratulations! Such a great achievement.