Fridays Feast #163

Appetizer: On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you look forward to your birthday?
6 or 7. It's a day like any other., but what makes it special is seeing my kids enjoy blowing the candles on my birthday cake, and enjoying it with some ice cream at the end of the day.

Soup: What is one word you don’t like the sound, spelling, or meaning of?
The F-word. Not that I don't like the meaning of it (taken literally, I think it's great!), but I dislike how people use it -- it's just crude, insulting language.

Salad: Do you wear sunglasses when you’re outside? If so, what does your current pair look like?
Since I wear eyeglasses, switching to sunglasses is usually a pain. When I'm driving (and many times when I'm outdoors) I wear sunglasses that fit over my eyeglasses. Alfie absolutely detests them, saying I look like I've just had eye surgery. I endure his taunts because they make it so easy to wear shades -- and besides, huge bug-eyed eyewear is in, right?

Main Course: If you were to write a book, to whom would you dedicate it?
To my husband since I would never be able to finish a book without his support.

Dessert: Name a beverage that you enjoy.
I dislike all beers except the one pictured on the left: a Lambic rasberry (framboise) beer by Lindemans. It's like Kool-Aid with a kick!

For more feasts, click here.


Ingrid said...

Ha that's funny your beer is made in Belgium where I live ! They have lots of fruit beers here !

Anonymous said...

GREAT ONE:) Have a nice night

Anonymous said...

I should try that beer. I've never heard of it before . . .wonder if it is sold here?

Thanks for stopping by! I haven't had time to do much visiting . . . kids are back in school, life is in full fall swing . . . I barely have time to breathe.

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

ooh, never tried your dessert--sounds really good. Have a wonderful Friday.

Anonymous said...

That beer sounds delightful.

Melody said...

Great feast!
That beer does sounds good.

Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

we have the same appetizer! :)
that fruit beer sounds nice ...

happy friday!

Pea in a Pod said...

Nice feast! I love fruit beer..will check on that one! Thanks for dropping by my feast earlier:)

Anonymous said...

I wear glasses for computer work and reading. When I read outside I wear my sunglasses over my glasses. I never knew there were actually sunglasses called Fitovers! Learn something new everyday!

Heart of Rachel said...

What a sweet answer to #1.

Interesting drink! I like how you described it.

deedee said...

You can get good cherry beers in France, they might be a little like the one you've shown. Happy Friday :)

Jolene said...

I used to wear clip ons or over my glasses sunglasses. But hubby talked me into getting pair of prescription ones and I love them! Yes it can be a pain switching out, but it was worth it I think. Great feast.

Hootin Anni said...

Love your salad!!! I've worn those flip lenses too.

My feast is served, won't you come dine with me?

h said...

Happy Feast Day. I'm trying to brew a lambic. When I get it right, I'll be RICH!

Michelle Quinno said...

LOL on your salad and your dessert sounds yummy!

Renee said...

Great feast! Your choice of beer sounds wonderful! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great weekend.