Observing the Potter Phenomenon

"No phenomenon is a phenomenon until it is an observed phenomenon" Niels Bohr.

Wikipedia defines a phenomenon as "an observable event, or quite literally, something that can be seen". In that case, there is no doubt that Harry Potter is a phenomenon; the evidence is everywhere. The incredible commercial success of the books and the movies, the increase literacy among young kids, the number of books and websites analyzing each and every detail of the books, and the fact that JK Rowling is richer than the queen all prove it.

Being a Harry Potter fan myself, I don't need all those facts to tell me Harry Potter is a phenomenal series and JK Rowling is a phenomenal writer. I just have to look at the observable events around me:

  1. The baskets of dirty laundry piling up because I've neglected them in my haste to finish the last Harry Potter book.
  2. The zits on my forehead and bags under my eyes from too many late nights staying up to finish the last Harry Potter book.
  3. The fact that mere possession of the last Harry Potter book is enough to get strangers to come up and talk to me and ask me how the book ends (I never tell).
  4. The number of times I've blogged about Harry Potter in the last month (five, including this one, and sometime soon I'll probably do yet another Harry-related post, this time on the Silicon Valley Moms Blog)
  5. The unusual increase in the number of little boys I've seen walking around with Harry Potter glasses, capes and neckties, even though Halloween is over three months away.
  6. The fact that my 3-year-old sons know who Harry Potter is.
  7. The fact that my parents know who Harry Potter is.
Harry Potter has definitely left a mark (lightning-shaped, of course) on this household. I've enjoyed each and every one of the seven Harry Potter books (I have to say the seventh is the best of all) and I look forward to enjoying them again and again, by myself and later on with my children.

For more phenomena, click here.


Anonymous said...

I've never read a Potter or seen one of the movies, but I have seen the rush and crush at Barnes & Noble when the book is coming out.
The line goes round the block.
And everyone has to have ordered in advance and be wearing a special paper bracelet!
Thanks for stopping in,

Anonymous said...

I love the books as well. I've still got to read book six, though. :(

Anonymous said...

Phew! I used to love enid blytons.

Liza on Maui said...

I like that 7 point observations you posted - placed a smile on my face :)
Yep, Harry Potter is a phenomenon

Paul said...

I've only read one of the books myself, but I do agree it's become a real phenonmenon. And there's no real explanation why.

Crafty Green Poet said...

I've never read a Harry Potter book or watched one of the films. However I think its brilliant how these books have got children and young people interested in reading and JK Rowling's own story in itself is totally inspiring...

Regina said...

Hee hee- I had to go to wikipedia myself to check ut phenomenon. I have read the first three but stopped after that but I do like to watch the movies. I read somewhere though that a librarian stated that the increase in reading books among kinds due to the Harry Potter books is a myth- for the fact that they are reading Harry Potter books only and not other books. I don't know if that it is true but I guess kids have to start somewhere!
BTW- I got a friend to tell me the end! But I'm not telling!

Tammy Brierly said...

I've never read the books but I loved the rags to riches story of the author. Mainly I LOVE that it's getting kids to read...yayyy!

Anonymous said...

I'm still reading the book. While I love it, the working mom in me can only make it about ten pages before I fall asleep.

Anonymous said...

This is so true, Bongga mom! I mean Harry Potter will leave on until siguro the next couple of generations na :)

Anonymous said...

I meant *live on... sorry for the typo :)

masgblog said...

I am finally on the bandwagon as well. Into the 4th book...Goblet of Fire.....no spoilers now!

Ian & Potterfantic said...