This week's Photo Hunter's theme is Childhood.

Everyone says The Pea looks just like me, but with Alfie's coloring. So just for fun, I thought I'd put up two childhood photos, side by side. The one on the left is The Pea, and the one on the right is Alfie (yes, baby boys did wear clothes like that, way back when!). The Pea obviously gets the shape of her eyes from me. But look closely, and you'll notice the shapes of their ears and faces are the same. Also, the Pea has inherited Alfie's fair skin and light eyes, but I like to think of her hair coloring as a sort of mixture of her parents' coloring: Combine Alfie's white-blonde genes and my dark brown genes, and you get Pea's golden honey-blonde hair.
I wish I had a scanned baby photo of myself as well, so that I could post a mom+dad=baby collage!
The resemblence is uncanny! Thanks for visiting my hunt tonight!
They sure look alike.
Mine is up too.
Cute pictures. They look very alike.
What precious babies! And they do look alike!
wow, you guys do look alike!
There is a definite resemblance! It's always fun to compare.
You both look so much alike and very cute photos. Happy Saturday.
It is amazing how much alike those two pictures do look... and yes, a collage would be great. Perhaps I should try this with Nyssa's picture.
The eyes are definitely different. although I am hopeless at seeing likenesses in babies
I agree about the looking alike! And the toes on The Pea? Yummy. just want to nibble.
Great side-by-side comparison. The resemblance is striking! Wonderful post for The Hunt.
ha ha they look alike
Thanks for dropping by.
How great to have them in almost the same position too. Great pictures!
Thanks for visiting earlier:)
I'd say the combination produced a very good result. :)
I am always comparing my children to me! It's good to see others do the same so I am not so crazy.
Wow - they do look so much alike. I actually first thought that these were photos of the same person.
Very sweet photos! Both adorable babies. :) There is some resemblance, but the eyes do look different.
Oh yes, you can definitely tell The Pea looks like Daddy! Very cute!
that is such a cool comparison! thanks for stopping by.
So, so cute! Great pictures.
I thought that was 2 pictures of the same kid! They look amazingly alike!
Pea and your husband look remarkably alike. Pea is such a pretty baby, a great combination of you and your husband.
cute photos. They indeed look alike :)
They are both very sweet pictures!
wait....I didn't see your you have the same toes?
thanks for sharing....cheers...
Both are such adorable pictures!
Thanks for sharing!
My pic is up toO!
Comparing baby pictures is one of my favorite things. It is amazing the resemblance when you get them side by side--and even more amazing as they grow and everything changes between resemblences.
That was a cool idea! Thanks for sharing! I know there are a couple pictures of me as a child and my mom as a child that look almost identical.
I love the sepia toned shot - very cool.
Your observation is correct. She looks like your hubby. Beautiful photos!
Thanks for the visit. :)
I was here yesterday & I couldn't post. Just awhile ago I went to a friend's blog and discovered something. So I came back & tried again. Now, I'm going back to other blogs I wasn't able to comment on. Ha! Finally, d**n Blogger. :)
They are both cuties :)
Thanks for stopping by mine :)
Oh wow, they really do look alike. Precious babies!
Both babies are so cute. I am sure you were a cutie too :)
Thanks for stopping by!
Those pictures are so cool. I am glad that you put them side-by-side.
Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful Sunday.
Dang! I was looking at the picture and thought it was a same baby till i read your paragraph. They look so alike!
They definitely look like each other! They cannot deny one another...Your baby is so cute!!! hehehe
Sorry for the late visit. It's been a very busy week...
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