The Bay to Breakers photos have come out, courtesy of
SportPhoto. I must say, mine are hilarious (and I'm not talking about the strategically covered naked man in the photo above). Below is Bonggamom's dramatic race-time inner monologue, as told in pictures:
I feel good! I feel alive! Let's wave to the camera!
Gosh, that finish line's farther away than it looks...
OK, let's give it one last burst of effort!
Cmon, gotta do it... gotta finish... get those arms up...
Toes hurting!! Lungs bursting!!!!..... Aaaah!!! (screams like woman giving birth)
Thank God it's over!! Now, where's that water....
Congratulation! I didn't know you like to run, that's awesome.
You were behind a naked man running?! And still finished the race? I think that alone warrants an award!
Love your story to accompany the photos. Very cute.
YOU DID IT! Way to go. :)
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