This first one is Jamie's valentine. Very minimalist and somber, other than the golden blob. James basically squeezed the entire contents of the golden glitter-glue-pen onto that spot, and it took over a day to completely dry. He only put those two stickers on because I asked him to; all that interested him was the glue.

Philip's valentine is the complete opposite of Jamie's. An explosion of hearts and flowers! He just kept piling sticker after sticker onto his valentine, even covering half of his glitter glue. He only stopped when I gave him another big heart for him to put more stickers on.

Natalie's valentine is neat and well-thought-out, from sticker placement (she placed one foam heart sticker over another for a 3-D effect) to the message. While squeezing the glue stick to make the words, she was practically biting her tongue off in her determination to keep them even and neat.

Three valentines, all saying a little something about each child. I love all three works of art just as I love the three works of art that created them!
awwww! So sweet! Home made cards are the best :)
I LOVE those! <3
Happy Love Thursday to you and your kids!
Those are sweet. I remember my son's first valentine craft at a party. It was his first time he'd sat for that long decorating anything. He managed to cover up and overlap plenty of stickers on a huge piece of construction paper, only stopping when we had to chase his brother down.
Gah! What a good idea! :)
Happy Love Thursday!
These are wonderful! Love how they're all so different. Priceless!
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