It's Love Thursday again, and today I've posted a photo of feet. We were having a foot-fighting session when this photo was taken and I snapped it on a whim. I actually don't love my feet at all; I think they're too big and flipper-like. But I loooove my kids' feet; they are soft and chubby and small and sweet. I look at this photo and hope that their feet don't turn out like mine when they grow up. Actually, let me rephrase that; I hope they grow up loving their feet and every part of themselves.
Gorgeous! Foot wars rock!
That's adorable!
You have captured such a fun moment. Happy Love Thursday!
LOL that's great! I don't like my feet either. AND I don't like touching other peoples feet (unless they're under 7 years old and then the feet are still cute lol)
Yup, there's just something special about children's feet. Great picture. You have nice feet!
Happy LT
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