What's in your iPad?

I don't consider myself a material girl, and I didn't get into blogging for the free stuff, but I must admit, I was pretty excited to receive an iPad to test the upcoming Monsterology app (thanks, Nukotoys!).  Coincidentally, it arrived on my birthday, so it made a nice birthday present, and we are now the proud owners of an iPad (yes, two years after it first came out, but better late than never).  The kids wanted download a ton of apps, but I told them I wasn't flooding this iPad with all kinds of junk, so we've been very discriminating about what we download.  We've had the iPad for over a week now, and I just downloaded our 25th app last night!  Here's what we have so far:

(in no particular order)

1) World Atlas -- because we'll be doing a lot of traveling this summer and I want the kids to learn about the places we're visiting

2) Kindle -- so we don't have to keep fighting to use Alfie's Kindle

3) iBooks -- because the Kindle doesn't do colored or illustrated books

4) Storia -- because I want to be able to download Scholastic ebooks and help my kids' teachers earn free books for their classrooms

5) Newsstand -- so we can take tons of magazines on the plane with us, including our print subscriptions like Newsweek, Conde Nast Traveler and Self.

6) iMovie -- because The Pea loves making goofy movies with her friends.

7) Epicurious -- because I need all the help I can get to answer the age-old question, What's for Dinner?

8) Behr Color Smart -- because we're redecorating the kids' rooms and we don't want to buy $100 worth of paint testers

9) Amazon -- so we can spend even more money.

Social Media Apps --so I can stay connected, whether I'm on my phone, my laptop, my desktop, and now, my iPad.
10) Facebook
11) Instagram
12) Pinterest
13) Twitter

Disneyland apps -- because we're visiting the Happiest Place on Earth next month, and we want the happiness to begin a bit sooner and last a bit longer.
14) Disneyland Explorer
15) DL Dining

Games -- because, well, kids are kids, and I need some kind of incentive for them to practice their piano and make their beds properly.
16) The Jungle Book
17) American Girl Gymtastic
18) American Girl Secret Wardrobe
19) Temple Run
20) Plants vs. Zombies
21) Cut the Rope
22) LogosQuiz
23)Draw Something
24) Discovery Girls Cover Creator
25) Discovery Girls Embarrassing Moments

So what should our *next* 25 app downloads be? What's on *your* iPad?

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Ed said...

Words with Friends, Free Photoshop, Draw Some, and iA Writer( simple word processor I bought for 99 cents. )

Limited Cue said...

HI bonggamom

We're app developer company specializing in building useful and entertaining mobile apps for children. Currently we are celebrating the release of our free storytelling app for iPad called Stories about me. We are running a video contest on our Facebook fan page. It will be fun for us if you can join and participate to win iTunes gift cards. Please come to this link if you are interested.
Thank you and looking forward to see your video
