One year ago I walked 60 miles in 3 days for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure. It was an amazing journey, physically exhausting but mentally exhiliarating. I met some amazing, dedicated people and heard some amazing stories. It was an experience I will always cherish, and hope to repeat someday in the future.
This year I did not sign up to do the walk, but my commitment to raise awareness for breast cancer remains as strong as ever. No, stronger. About 4 months ago my doctor found two lumps on my breasts, I found myself wondering whether I'd be joining my dozens of female relatives who had fought breast cancer. To make a long story short, I don't have breast cancer, but that experience has made this cause even more personal for me than it already way. I will never forget those feelings of disbelief, fear and relief, and I'm hoping that one day no woman will ever have to feel the way I did.
So I want to do my part to raise awareness for breast cancer this month. All month long, on Bonggamom Finds, I'll be blogging about how you can do your part for breast cancer -- whether it's signing up for a race, clicking "Like" on Facebook, or buying a bracelet. And just so you don't forget it's National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I will be wearing pink every day in October, just like I did last year. I'll post my pink photos every day on my 31 Days of Pink Picasa album, and at least once a week I'll post a roundup of my pink outfits here. Hopefully when you visit this blog, see my pink item for the day, and think, I wonder what she's wearing tomorrow? or Does she have that many pink items?, you'll also be thinking, I mustn't forget to make a donation, or I must get that mammogram scheduled.

If you work on behalf of a company doing anything or selling any product that benefits breast cancer research, leave me a comment or send me an email; I'd love to feature you on my review blog. you're doing anything on your blog to help raise awareness for breast cancer this month, leave a comment; I'd love to stop by your blog and leave a comment to cheer on your efforts.
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