A Boy and His Tati -- an Update

For this week's Photo Hunt -- pink -- I couldn't resist recycling a photo I featured a couple of years ago, which accompanied an essay about a 3-year old boy and his blankie (named "Tati"). In it, I made a prediction:

Someday, the boy will enter kindergarten, and on his first day, Tati will be with him. As he enters the door to his classroom, he will see his mama behind him, with her lower lip quivering and tears in her eyes. He will run back to her, give her a hug and hand her the Tati, saying, "Here mama, you need Tati more than I do."

And now that the boy is about to enter kindergarten, what of Tati? Well, two years later Tati is a bit shabbier and more threadbare. But it's still pink. And still loved. Tati no longer follows the boy everywhere, but he still keeps Tati on his bed. For when the boy needs it. Like when he got stung by bees, or ran a fever, or split his forehead open.

It doesn't look like the boy is going to need Tati with him on his first day of school. He's going to climb mountains and run races and build bridges all by himself. But when the day is done, he'll crawl into bed and have his Tati beside him, the last thing he cuddles before he falls asleep and the first thing he reaches for when he wakes up. Still giving him courage, reassurance, love and strength.

For more pink things, click here.


Ingrid said...

How sweet ! My son was less romantic, he love Hulk ! and carried him with him everywhere, lol !

Arlene said...

OH what a lovely thought about "Tati." I think all of us needs a tati at some points in our life.

My daughter had with her small pillow and am just glad she outgrown it later in life.

I feature my daughter in pink, too!

Carver said...

Great post and I love the shot of your son with his Tati. Happy weekend.

jams o donnell said...

That is such a cute shot. No matter how tatty he will always have his Tati!

marta said...

What a lovely post. There comes a time when we must slowly grow up. It sounds like he is reaching that point and has the family to help him reach his goals.

srp said...

Adorable. My daughter didn't have a blanket but a teddy... he went to college with her!!!
My pinks are up here.

Anonymous said...

perfect picture!

RJ Flamingo said...

Mine was a floppy orange bunny, so who am I to judge?:-)

Great post for this week - thanks for visiting mine!

JO said...


Here's mine.

Enjoy your weekend!

Liz Hinds said...

Thta's lovely. We all need our tati.

Leslie said...

Gorgeous picture for this week! :)

LifeRamblings said...

lovely post and he's such a cutie pie.

bing said...

this reminds me of daughter's habit when she was one year old. when she cries, she always get her tattered pillow and hugs it, as if finding strength and comfort from it.

lovely, lovely take!

Heart of Rachel said...

I think this is such a sweet post. It's heartwarming to think of how special Tati is to your boy.