It's In the Bag, Baby

Just 1 hour left before I head out to the airport, and away to Chicago for BlogHer 09! The laundry is done, the floor is vacuumed, dinner for Alfie and the kids is in the fridge, the kids' activities are planned for the next 3 days, so I think I'm ready to go.

Oh, yeah. I've got to pack.

Fortunately, I've got my handy-dandy notebook, and I've been making lists, lots of lists. So here's what I'll be throwing in my carry-on bag (a rolling case file that Office Max sent me to use for BlogHer and an upcoming Office Max event I'll be attending):

An extra bag (This is first and foremost on my list, because I'll need the extra space for all the swag!)
Paperwork (boarding pass, BlogHer pass, schedule of BlogHer activities)
Phone charger
Laptop power cord
Extra batteries
USB Cable
Ethernet Cable
iPod and earphones
My SlimPerfect little black dress
Fake boobs, I mean bra inserts
Black heels
Black pants
Black leggings
Black top (I'm going for the basic black look)
Grey top
Pink top
Pink and red skirt
Umbrella (it's supposed to be rainy in Chicago)
Pajamas and underwear

I'm packing as light as I can because I just know I'll need that extra space for all the swag! Yes, it's all about the swag :)

I guess I'd better stop blogging about packing and actually pack. See you all at BlogHer!


Shangrila said...

Have a blast, Chica! :)

Mishia said...

Sounds like one of the most exciting events ever!

JoeyfromSC said...

I hope you had a fantastic time and came back with lots of swag lol:)

Anonymous said...

Wow are you organized! You should write a book on organization.

Lori said...

House in order and stuff in order? Very impressive!

Asianmommy said...

I'm so sorry that I didn't see you there. Hope you had a great time!

bing said...

interesting travel.. had a great time?