These days I don't have too many pictures of myself. It's a natural progression, I suppose; my kids are the cute, precocious ones now, the center of my and Alfie's world. We don't change much, so there isn't the urgency to capture our moments as much as theirs. Truthfully, if I were a bit more confident about my looks and figure, I'd probably be strutting my stuff in front of the camera more than I do. As it is, most of the recent photos of me are taken with kids:

But once in a while, I let loose and say, to hell with self-consciousness. Today is my day. I want a portrait of
For more self-portraits, click here.
Gotta love the 2nd fun picture! :)
p/s: I made the mirror "crack" effects using a photo program.
wow! I love the last shot... great one for today's theme. thanks for dropping by.
Excellent photos, did you notice my site meter when you came to my photo hunt, I think you were my 30,000th visitor
are you in New Mexico?
Great shots! First the Mom acting like a loving Mom and then letting loose like the child-at-heart you really are. Just like most of us. :D
Wonderful and such a fun photo. I rarely am not the one holding the camera, so it was a rare chance when I let them get a pic of me,
Good day, Hope you'll visit my 14th Photo Hunt... A Self Portrait" at The Cafe.
Oh, I love that second photo,so carefree and fun!
Have a great weekend!
I want to see more pictures of you ! This is an order ! lol !
Great photo of you jumping for joy, Bonggamom. Lovely scenery around there too.
Wow! Those are two gorgeous shots, but I must admit that the last one is just out standing! I love the happy look of it and excellent jump! Extremely well captured!
wow...second photo was great :D
Mine in here Thanks
perfect time to jump and shot hi hi hi...
My post in here Thanks
You jumped too? It's the trend here too. Nice shots!
LOVE it. I agree we need to turn the camera on ourselves more often. I, for one, loved seeing pictures of my Mom "back in the day." So, at the very least, we should preserve the memory of our younger selves for the kids...
I ♥ the second one! :)
Great job. Happy Hunting.
Love the second photo.
I did the same thing--almost no pictures of me because I always do the kids--so I had my son take one of me. :) Great shots!!!!
Love the jump for joy!
Beautiful setting.
I LOVE this picture! It just made me laugh out loud at the joyfulness of it. This is one to frame and put out where everyone can see it. :)
Terrific photos this week! :)
From what I can see, you have nothing to worry about -- be confident in yourself!
I LOVE the second photo of you letting loose. Wonderful!
Great shots. I love the second shot! Have a great weekend
You truly are a bongga Mom.bonggalicious and hyper...
Good for you! Love the second shot :-)
You have no reason to not be confident about your looks and figure, by the way!
I love that second one! Looks like you were having fun.
Thanks for the visit.
love the photos, especially the second one. thanks for the visit! :)
sometimes you just gotta let loose...keeps us young, right?
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