Holiday aftermath

This is what happens after a Christmas with 3 kids and a birthday party for 2 kids -- toy chaos. To add to the clutter fun, a friend gave us two huge Playmobil playsets: a dollhouse and knight's castle. Someone else had given it to her boys, who weren't interested, so she kindly passed it along to us. They arrived in two huge bins without instructions, so it was a fun challenge to piece everything together.

For more visions of the aftermath, click here.


eastcoastlife said...

Wow! A room filled with toys! That would be fun land for my young nieces and nephews!
Happy weekend bonggamom!

PowersTwinB said...

PERFECT for this weeks theme!!! and that is definately "TOY OVERLOAD"!Thanks for visiting my hunt photo tonight!

YTSL said...

Oh my... what a lot of presents your kids look to have got!!!!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

wow -- what a kids paradise

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a lot of fun stuff for the kids.

Leslie said...

Wow - that all looks like fun. :)

CRIZ LAI said...

Hmm... your "clutter" looked kind of well arranged compared to what I have here.. LOL!

jams o donnell said...

Ooh All those toys. The aftermath of 3Christmas+2birthdays=a lot of fun! Happy weekend

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the kids are having a lot of fun with the toys :D

SASSY MOM said...

oh, all those toys are really overwhelming.Nice take. Happy weekend!

Carver said...

Looks like a fun Christmas. Happy weekend.

Susan Demeter said...

Looks like a lot of fun! :) My Photo hunt entry is here

Thank you for stopping by! :)

Biker Betty said...

As a kid, that is the aftermath I would LOVE!! Great choice for this theme.

Have a great weekend!

jmb said...

Well that is a good aftermath, unlike some others and easily cleaned up.
Happy weekend Bonggamom

RJ Flamingo said...

Perfect choice for the theme! I love this kind of aftermath...

Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

Woah~ Looks like playroom overflowing with toys. But hey!! At least you're still able to see the floor beneath it *wink*

Anonymous said...

Christmas is a true aftermath! Birthdays add too. Great post.

Ingrid said...

Wow ! that really shows the word, lol !

Anonymous said...

Great photo - it DOES look like fun!

Pretty Life Online said...

great idea for PH theme... Thanks for stopping by and for the Greetings! Have a great weekdays ahead!

Heart of Rachel said...

Wow, so many cool toys. It looks like a great playroom. That's an aftermath that I can relate to. :)