And now, for the answers to yesterday's quiz:
1) Which is my original hairstyle? I (that was a bonus question)
2) Which one would I never, ever in a million years, choose? H. Seriously, people, me in H? I'm not El Debarge...
3) Which one is my homage to Katie Holms? F
4) Which one would Alfie never, ever in a million years, choose for me? F. And I was right.
5) Which one should I choose? Most people seemed to go with C or G. I guess my peeps really do know me. Good guessing!
6) Which one will I choose? B, D, E and F were really out of the question because my hair is not straight. I was torn between C and G. (Actually, I was going for Joanna Page's haircut on Gavin and Stacey -- it's short and chic, and doesn't seem like it needs a lot of maintenance). The stylist's opinion was that G would actually require more upkeep because my hair is so thick. It would take a lot of cutting to thin it out to look like G, and I'd need a maintenance trim every 4-6 weeks. Eek! So we went with C.......

Love it!!!!!
It looks great and I think the waves make it better than the computer generated image.
Great, I love it. Tip from my hairdresser which I may be the only one who didn't know - put product in when hair is completely wet.
You look great!
Such a classy and chic new 'do!
I like the shorter hair :)
your shorter hair fits you very well.
The stylist's opinion was that G would actually require more upkeep because yuor hair is so thick.
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