Play the Game, Save a Life

I hated mosquito nets. I slept under one for almost every night of my childhood, for almost 18 years, until my parents could no longer force me to set one up. It seemed like the silliest of things. None of my other friends in Metro Manila used mosquito nets; they relied on airconditioning to keep their bedrooms cool, and consequently, mosquito-free.

What a child I was, what an innocent, self-centered child. I don't think I was ever at serious risk of contracting malaria, but I failed to see the importance of that silly pink plastic cover. I didn't realize that there are millions of people around the world for whom mosquito nets can save lives. And I didn't realize that there are millions of people around the world for whom mosquito nets are an unaffordable luxury.

It only takes $10 to deliver a net, protect a family and save a life. And from now until April 25, it actually won't cost you anything. Check out Deliver the Net from Nothing But Nets. Just play the game and they'll send a net for you. What could be easier?

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