Let's Party! (And come enter my blog giveaway!)

Like most Filipinos, I arrive late to parties, and this one is no exception -- but better late than never! 5 Minutes for Mom is hosting The Ultimate Blog Party, with over 1,000 blogs participating and over 150 prizes to win. Check out their awesome prize list; here are my faves (I sure hope I win them!!):

* I could sure use some pampering from Lush (#114), courtesy of After a Cup of Coffee.

* The Pea would looove the $50 gift certificate at Emily Rose (prize #63), so she can get her American Girl doll lots of cool stuff. She'd also love a Pink Brick Box Play Set (prize #103) from Lego;

* Alfie would definitely drool over the chocolate package (#70) from The Chocolistas, and if he doesn't get it, I'm sure he could be consoled with a $20 Amazon gift certificate (#140, #60) from the MommyDaddy blog or Judy.

* Who would turn down some cold, hard cash (#55, #59)? Yeah, baby, Kristin and Lori sure know what people want!

But Wait! 'Tis more blessed to give than to receive, so in the spirit of celebrating and spreading the love around, I'm hosting a little drawing of my own! Just leave a comment here and you'll be entered to win a year's subscription to either Bon Appetit (12 issues) or Budget Travel (10 issues), your choice. I'll pick the winner randomly on Monday, March 17 (sorry, this is for US residents only), so be sure to leave your blog URL or email address so I can contact you.


Unknown said...

Hey Better late then never ...

Hope you have a great time at the Ultimate Blog Party!!!


Anonymous said...

Better late than never, is right! Welcome!
Party on!

Nadine said...

Welcome to the party. It's better to be later then not come at all. Nice to meet you. Have fun visiting all the blogs.

Double Happiness said...

Thanks for inviting me to the party.....I love your web site and the fun things you engage people to play and have fun. How did you get so many visitors to your site in such a short period of time?

Anonymous said...

I got in on the party late too.
So good to see ya here.
Happy Posting,

Marianne Arkins said...

Better late than never! I'm giving away a copy of my romance novel. *G*

Have a great party!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Ultimate Party! Your blog is awesome. Come over to mine, so we can meet. Have a great week!

danetteb said...

Hi, It's nice to meet you. There's nothing wrong with being late,as long as you have fun. Happy Blog Partying!
Hugs, Danette

skatey katie said...

hey chick, wishing you a lovely couple of party-days.
*love* nicole kidman, have plenty of last years' jeans too lol.
totally with ya on the *bongga* groove, mwah X

lara said...

Thanks for stopping by and welcome to the party

kim said...

Aaahhh, international time is a wonderful thing. Glad you made it. My quiet time has abruptly ended so I will look forward to coming back after bedtime. My vote - Bon Appetit! Have fun at the party!

Anonymous said...

With all the great blogs here, this party can last a very long time. Glad to meet you. How exciting to see moms from around the world.

Happy Blogging Party!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Love the expression "Bongga" and what is means! :)
Good to meet you!

Anonymous said...

Usually those late to parties bring the best food .... your blog is great ... love the design and your interaction.... and the pics. Lorie

Kathleen W. said...

Welcome to the party, and thanks for sharing a new word with me--bonggamom!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the party! :)

Thanks for hosting the draw!


Anonymous said...

We call it "Hawaiian Time". LOL! Thank you for stopping by my party and signing the guest book.

Hope you don't mind but I'm going to take a look around your "place" now. *wink*

The Random Muse said...

Hello, lovely meeting you. I trust you are enjoying the party.

Jinxy and Me said...

Hi! Welcome to the party! I'm having a good time - hope you are too. The Bon Appetit would be wonderful!

Anonymous said...

That's very generous giveaway! I would love the Bon Appetit myself! I also have a food blog you know;)

And EVERYONE likes cash!!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Happy Partying... though I will say after days of partying I am starting to get a hangover... hehehe... Hi from a crazy Aussie living in Florida who loves travelling and photography... don't be a stranger drop by and say hi... take care and party hearty....

Shalet said...

Ooooh, I'm going to have to go check that out! Clearly I'm late for the party too! Thanks for the link.

EEEEMommy said...

I love your blog title! :)

Rockin' Mama said...

Bon Appetit sounds awesome!!!!

jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com

Bebemiqui said...

Great giveaway! count me in. bebemiqui82(at)yahoo(dot)com

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...


I think I need to channel my inner Bongga Mom! ;)

Unknown said...

Great party! I'm inviting you to check out Hip Mama's Place for cool giveaways, a mom blog directory to list your blog, and other fab contests for moms!

Thanks and have a great weekend! :)

Candi said...

OOOHhh--I'd love Bon Appetit!!

I've got a giveaway on my party post if you have time to stop by.

michelle said...

It has been nice meeting you through the blog party. Thanks for taking part and especially for the giveaway.

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

Shana said...

Hi, thanks for stopping by my party! It is nice to 'meet' you. I love your blog design! I would love a chance at your giveaway. I LOVE to cook. Hope to 'see' you again. :o)

Marilyn B said...

I agree ..Better late than never. What a great blog I really enjoyed my visit. Feel free to drop in and visit me sometime. http://yummythingsncupcakedreams.blogspot.com/

Take Care,

bonggamom said...

Thanks for joining, everyone! The winner this giveaway is...
Fliss and Mike

Fliss and Mike, don't forget to email me with your contact info and mag preference!