I Spy....

Alfie had fun last week trying out his awesome new telephoto zoom lens. It really came in handy on our excursion to Red Rock Canyon, Nevada. Take, for example, this photo taken just before the start of the Calico Hills Trail.

Can you spy with your little eye....... the hikers on the cliff? I've tried to help you out by encircling them in red. (You can also click here to view the full-size version)

Now see what they look like using the highest magnification from Alfie's lens, and see what they are looking at:

As I said.... awesome... both the lens and the scenery!

For more I Spy games, click here. Or click here to join my Ultimate Blog Party -- I'm hosting a blog giveaway and you could win a subscription to Bon Appetit or Budget Travel!


Harajuku PearL said...

When compared to the tiny human beings, the canyon is sssooo HUGE. Nice spy from your lenses ;)

Pearl - have a good weekend

Ingrid said...

Beautiful !!!

CRIZ LAI said...

Wow.. the zoom must be a real big one to be able to shoot such a close photo. Great post!

jams o donnell said...

Wow that's an amazing sight! Have a great weekend

eastcoastlife said...

Wow! Awesome!! The view and the lens! I hope to own such lens too!

Unknown said...

Outstanding photos, I want to get there some day.
Hope you'll pop by the Cafe and check out my Hunt attempt.

Anonymous said...

Wow, incredible.

Teena in Toronto said...

What an awesome place to hike!

I played too :)

Sarge Charlie said...

i love the photo, 15 i think

Anonymous said...

really awesome! great take on the theme.

Unknown said...

Wow, that lens is incredible!

 gmirage said...

Very nice spying job on a vast and beautiful landscape! Enjoy the weekend! Happy spying ;-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, sweet zoom lens! Love those red rocks. Great take on the I spy!

Anonymous said...

Wow, awesome pics!! I'm amazed that you even saw the people in the first one. Thanks for visiting and happy hunting.

Tammy said...

Wow, amazing pictures!

Anonymous said...

Wow, those photos are amazing. Cool shots.

Have a great weekend, BM.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

From the first photo w/o enlarging it, it is almost impossible to see those hikers. With that great purchase Alfie got, it's amazing! :)

Alfie is going to have so much much with his new telephoto zoom :)
Happy Weekend!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

I have been here - to Red Rock Canyon at least... love it there... love the lens and how close it gets...