One of the biggest things on my To-Do list is mental preparation. Every time I've done some organized physical event like a half-marathon or a daylong hike I've found (and every long-distance runner I've talked to tells me) that half the battle is really all up in your mind. Once your mind gives up, the rest of your body will follow.
Today, for instance, I received an auto-generated email informing me that there are 6 weeks left before the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure® San Francisco walk. When I saw it in my inbox, I felt a rush of panic. OMG, 6 weeks to go! I'm not ready! I need to train more! I need to find a good duffle bag (and train more)! I need to make a list of things to take (and train more)! I need to get a new pair of shoes (and train more)! I need to think of some cool pink walking outfits (and train more)! What if I totally collapse halfway through the first day? How's it going to look if an Energizer Keep Going® Blogger stops? Oh, the shame!
So I play little mind games with myself. It's not easy for me to find five minutes, let alone five hours, in the day to leave my life behind and go on a training walk, so I do what I can and tell myself that every mile counts. Every mile I walk is making my legs and lungs and heart stronger. When I've trained for events before, I've told myself that if I can get halfway through the mileage, the excitement and adrenaline during the event will see me through the rest of it. Whether that's true or not, it's a comforting thought, and I've finished every run or walk or hike I've ever done in less time that I expected. Of course, I've never been able to walk the next day, so I'll have to figure out a way to get up on Day 2 and Day 3 and walk that extra mile (or twenty).
Right now I'm going to get over my minor panic attack in the best way I know how -- go for a walk.
I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I can.......
Energizer is sponsoring my participation fee and fundraising requirement for this event, but I would love to be able to raise more for breast cancer. Please help me reach my goal of $1000! Any amount helps and is greatly appreciated. You can click on the widget below to donate to the Susan G. Komen foundation.

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