Famous last words. As soon as the jeans were on, I fell in love. Angie raved about how they looked on me. Her friend was about to end her shift and take her 30% discount with her. What choice did I have? I figured I could always return them if I had second thoughts. Nope. And icing on the cake.... Alfie thinks they look hot. So please forgive my self-indulgence and MySpace-esque narcisissm, but I am posting this little homage to my new skinny jeans.

Comfy, stylish, flattering to the ass -- and 30% off. Perfect. Now excuse me, I'm going to celebrate with a double scoop of mint chocolate-chip ice cream.
Okay, make it a single.
I love them! You look fantastic.
(Now I need you to admit how much they were even after the 30% off so I know if I should run out and buy some or run away.)
If any jean can make me look hot, I will buy it and live in it...LOL
But you don't need an Armani to look hot! You already look like a hot mama :-)
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