Yesterday I made some heart-shaped chocolate shortbread for a party we hosted. I saved a couple of cookies for the kids and Alfie to eat on Valentine's Day, but Alfie couldn't resist breaking off a piece to nibble on. I thought the remaining cookie, while no longer perfect, would make an interesting cover for a Valentine's Day card. Just think of all the messages one could write inside!
* You've broken my heart
* You've got a piece of my heart
* I'm eating my heart out for you
* You're a sweet heart
Can you think of any others?
Feel free to leave links to your own Photo Hunt entries below. And for more broken things, click here. Happy Valentine's Day!
UPDATE: OMG how could I forget? It's the perfect photo for "broken".... and the one photo I wish I never had. Jammy broke his arm last week in a skin-crawling accident: he fell about 6 feet to the ground and landed on his back with his arm bent underneath it. He broke both the radius and the ulna right below his wrist. Now this really did break my heart.
Good one!!!
how bout "don't break my heart". :D
Mine's up
Well that's sad for your little guy. Hope he heals quickly. Great take on the theme this week.
Scott at World’s Best Photography Blog ;^)
"you've taken a piece of my heart..." - only thing I can think of but great choice for photohunt
I think you pretty well covered it. Yes, it would make a good card.
Oh that is quite the fall. Hope he is okay now and on the mend.
Those are both perfect for the shot. I hope you adorable child healed well.
Hope your cute little guy heals quickly!
Great idea for this week’s theme.
Great take for the theme, both of them. Hope your little guy heals well and get's a cookie or several too, cookies always help...
Hope the broken arm is all better. We are sending some healing purrs and puppy licks. Love the broken cookie. We thinks " I can't get enough of you" would be a good caption for it. ~AFSS
aww, poor boy! that's heart-breaking!
how about "bite me"? LOL
Interesting take. Thanks for dropping by.
That would make a lovely card!!!
get-well wishes to your little one.
Happy VD!!
Lovely cookie!
Poor baby with the broken arm... Probably grew to love the attention, though.
Of course a broken arm is much more important than a broken cookie heart, lol !
This is one case where you could say "Please break my heart" I hope the little fella is fit and well again soon
Both good ones for the theme. I hope he is OK soon :-)
or 'breakin' your heart is hard to do'!
this is a perfect pic for an unperfect situation... hope he is ok now.
Your poor baby! I hope he gets well soon.
I agree the photo of the biscuit would make a lovely V-Day card.
Your last photo is heartbreaking although he seems to be taking it well. Your first is so Valentinish!
oh no that's aweful!
poor guy, poor mama.
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