The day the blogosphere went purple

On Tuesday, April 14, Heather and Mike Spohr buried their daughter Madeline. And the blogosphere mourned with them. Maddie's story has touched so many people, even people who have never met them. People are donating to the March of Dimes in Maddie's name, and participating in the March for Babies walks because of her. (check out all the locations below)The one good thing coming out of this is that more money is being raised for premature babies, babies like Maddie.

For her funeral they asked people to wear purple in her honor. Even people who did not attend responded. They turned their avatars and Twitter pages and blogs purple. The Pea and I wore purple on Tuesday too.

Read Heather's and Mike's touching tributes (don't forget your kleenex). And for more purple, click here.


Leslie said...

Ahhh, a very touching memorial post.

eastcoastlife said...

This is a sad post for this week's theme. My condolences to the bereaved family.

Carver said...

Very thoughtful post. So sad when a young life is too short.

LifeRamblings said...

may her soul rest in peace.

stan said...

sry t hear abt it. The pic with the soft touchup to the girl is awesome.

Ingrid said...

In Belgium purple is a mourning color.

jams o donnell said...

A thouching memorial. Thanks for sharing this.

YTSL said...

What a serious and sad Photo Hunt post. Have to admit to not having expected to see one like that this week... :S

julie said...

Touching and I am off to read the links :)

Happy weekend!

SASSY MOM said...

That's a very touching story! Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful weekend!

Angela said...

It seems so ironic or maybe fitting that this week's theme was purple. The Pea looks beautiful in purple.

Bengbeng said...

this is a touching post. i feel for those who have to go through this grief

Marites said...

My condolendes to the bereaved family. Pea looks pretty on purple:)

Annie said...

Very poignant, thanks for sharing this. And that's a beautiful photo of your daughter.

healingmagichands said...

This post was much deeper than most, and a fine reminder of how fragile life is, how much we should treasure each precious moment given to us.

jmb said...

What a sad post but very fitting. It is terrible to lose a child, especially one so tiny.

feefifoto said...

This story has made me so sad. What a great loss.

Alice Audrey said...

Great bow.

I recall the day the map turned purple.

Tara R. said...

It was a very sad day, but I am moved by the incredible outpouring of support from the blogging community.

Photo Cache said...

What a nice entry and a very sad story.

Tina said...

the story is so sad. wat a lovely idea though with the purple theme. so nice

ipanema said...

Yes, purple is a mourning colour. What a great loss indeed. My prayers.

srp said...

A lovely tribute indeed. My thoughts and prayers will be with this precious family!

Shangrila said...

Thinking of Maddy again thanks to your beautiful post. The Pea looks lovely, though solemn. I'm going to read her parents' tributes. <3