Photo Hunt: Yellow

For this week's Photo Hunt, I decided to keep it simple and feature random yellow things in some recent photos we've taken of the kids.

This is one of 3Po's favorite shirts, a sunny yellow SunLife shirt by Lands End. I love that it has 50+ UPF factor built right into the shirt. It also looks so cheerful next to the yellow tulips and the yellow M&M's on his caramel apple. There was literally a whole bagful of M&M's stuck on that apple, but fortunately for his parents, he could only manage to eat a couple of bites.

Over the years, The Pea's hair has gradually turned a dark blonde, but ask her what color her hair is, and she'll always say, "Yellow".

And here's Jammy, carving up the mountain on his bright yellow snowboard. I have no idea if what he's doing is correct, but he didn't fall, and he looked really cool.

For more yellow things, click here.


Photo Cache said...

that candied apple loaded with m&ms looks like a winner; there's lots of yellow candies there too :)

Anonymous said...

Wow--what a wonderful caramel apple!
Go Jammy--how fun!

Unknown said...

Such cute photos -- and yummy-looking treats!

SASSY MOM said...

Love the caramel apple. yummm! nice random photos.

Randi said...

Yum... caramel apple with lots of candies!!!
Great shots!

sammawow said...

Oh, those are all great choices for the yellow theme! That caramel apple is incredible!

Flo said...

Great pictures. That apple is scary. Makes me a little nauseous just looking at it.

Mine is up over at Flo's Place.

Tammy said...

Wow, now that's a caramel apple!! Great pics!

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Holy cow, all that candy! I did yellow today, too! I hope you can come visit.

Have a great weekend!

Shangrila said...

You always take the best photos of your kids (or maybe they're just extra cute?) My middle kid is a blondie whose hair is getting darker by the day, which is alright since he's always insisted that his hair was "the same" as mine (brown-black-lol!) That candy apple was like, the size of 3po's head, right?! Jammy DID look very cool!

Anonymous said...

nice yellowsss :)
da candies look nice :)

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