Photo Hunters: Shiny

This week's Photo Hunters Theme is Shiny.

Here is my favorite photo from yesterday's berry-picking expedition. When I told my dad and sons to "Smile and say cheese!" yesterday, I had no idea a bright, shiny little butterfly had decided to pose with them. What a nice little stroke of luck! I love how it seems suspended in mid-air, with no blurring whatsoever, and I love the way the sun shines on the butterfly's body, making it stand out from everything else. It almost looks like I used Photoshop to cut out a butterfly-shaped piece right in front of Jammy's face!

For more shiny things, click here.


Anonymous said...

Wow - what a great shot with the butterfly. Certainly a great stroke of luck!

Happy Weekend!

Lisa said...

Nice photo. Your dad has a nice shiny smile too. Happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful choice for today!! great shot.

maiylah said...

wonderful timing!
love that shining smile on your dad's face, too! :)
happy weekend!

Heart of Rachel said...

That's a lovely picture! It's so cool that the butterfly decided to join them in the picture. I'm glad everyone had a great time picking berries.

Karen said...

Wow! What a cool shot!! That doesn't happen every day! Which makes this picture that much more special!!

Paulie said...

I love wonderful surprises like that. Thanks for sharing.

Come visit my entry.

ipanema said...

that's a very happy photo! beautiful white butterfly. :)

Detroit said...

Okay - that is a once in a life time shot! What perfect timing for this weeks theme! Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!

Shawna said...

It's such a great picture anyway, and what a perfect little touch the butterfly added. Wow!

Anonymous said...

Perfect!! I agree it's a cute picture anyway, but that's an added bit of fun :)

CRIZ LAI said...

God has decided to give your family a great shine here. Happy weekend :)

Anonymous said...

That's amazing! Just beautiful!

Ginabee said...

very cool... what a great shot.

Ingrid said...

What a nice coincidence ! I had to look a bit for the butterfly but then saw it very nice !

Leesa said...

What a neat catch :)

Anonymous said...

Aw! Such a sweet photo of your loved ones. That is pretty awesome how the butterfly is not distored at all in the picture. Very nice shot!

Anonymous said...

great shot..totally candid.have a nice weekend :)

Tina said...

Haha, your are trully a lucky one.
The Picture looks fab. You know what.. at first i searched the butterfly. *ups* Ok, it´s early in the morning here. Thanks for watching my site. Have a nice weekend. And, your sons are really cute.

Jenn in Holland said...

A perfect moment! Love the capture of the butterfly.

letha said...

Lovely photo, it's always nice when little surprises get in shot.

Anonymous said...

Perfect! The butterfly looks perfect in the picture.

have a great weekend!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Very cool shot! Lovely choice for shiny. :)

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Wow! I think that means you are lucky! Neat photo :)

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

That is SOOOO cool! Love it!