It's great being a Silicon Valley Mom! I don't mean being a mom who lives in Silicon Valley (which is great in itself), but more specifically a mom who writes for the
Silicon Valley Moms Blog. Not only do you get to meet cool people, not only to you get great free stuff, you also get invited to the coolest parties. Witness the ones they sponsored for their writers this past BlogHer week.

SV Moms opened the BlogHer festivities with a party at the
Slide lounge, where we quenched our thirst on cocktails and chichi water. I much preferred this party to the official BlogHer parties, since this one was cozy and intimate versus huge and noisy.

I couldn't resist going down the famous slide. The ones at
Chuck E Cheese are twistier and longer, but on the plus side, this one was a lot faster -- probably because it wasn't sticky with soda and kids' grime and God knows what else. If you are thinking of visiting Slide and trying it out, be forewarned: you will not be allowed to go down the slide if you are wearing a skirt. And no, they still won't let you go if you take off your skirt and slide down in your undies.

The next day we all trooped over to Saks Fifth Avenue on Union Square and for some makeovers. I got my makeup done by Armani, just the way I like it: subtle and shimmery, still looking like me... but a more
Bongga me.

After our makeovers, we were shepherded to a mini-studio where we got headshots taken by a professional photographer. One might conclude that this activity was gentle hint that the photos in the
SV Moms About Me section are, shall we say, a tad crappy. Or maybe they're just super-nice and want to thank their writers in a special way. I don't care what the reason -- I thoroughly enjoyed the makeover and I enjoyed flirting with the camera. We got to take our photos home on USB drives and I'm quite happy with 1 or 2 shots.
The final party was a Sunday brunch, co-hosted with the
Momocrats. I have no doubt that everyone had a lovely time and left with their tummies full of delicious brunchy food and their minds full of intellectually stimulating political conversation, but I chose not to go. With all this partying, I had to spend the whole day Sunday feverishly packing for our England trip the next day. Oh, well. The parties were totally worth it.
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