Too many birthdays

CleanBoy and 3Po had 2 parties and 2 cakes this year. The first was held in Manila with family, on their actual birthday,

and the second was with their schoolfriends after we got back home.

After all, I thought, they are 2 separate individuals, so if they're going to share a birthday and a cake, why not give them 2 parties? I didn't realize that CleanBoy saw it quite differently:

Me (after the second party): CleanBoy, how old are you now?
CleanBoy: Five.
Me: No, four.
CleanBoy: No, five.
Me: No, four.
CleanBoy: No, I'm five!! In Manila I turned four, and now after this party, I'm five!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How cute!
Found you through Filipina Moms...
I so envy your recent trip to the Philippines. How did the kids do? My daughter ws almost 2 when we went last. She is now 5 1/2, although, she tells me she would love to go visit her grands and go to the Philippines, I fear that she would be forever complaining about the heat.