
Family -- this is an easy one, since 99% of the photos we take are of our families. But what's in a family? We've got our nuclear family -- Alfie, me, Pea, 3Po and Jammy. But we also have parents and siblings and nieces and nephews and aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents.

In the Philippines, "family" is a fluid, ever-expanding term. My grandmother has 7 children, 29 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. Getting everyone together has become literally impossible. The photo above shows the most successful attempt so far, at my brother's wedding last December. We can barely fit in the frame!

For more families, click here.


Anonymous said...

Lovely shot of the entire family clan :)

Leslie said...

Oh the colors are so gorgeous! I just love this photo! :)

Ingrid said...

OMG ! Well, that's a big family !!
My family consists of the 3 of us, a sister in law with her husband and daughter and the rest is dead or I don't know them. My father for unknown reasons had cut off all relations to his siblings.

Ingrid said...

BTW thanks for letting me know that you have difficulties to comment. I think I will go back to the old system !

marcia@joyismygoal said...

weddings are such good photo opps we all try to look our best I love seeing the families and the love they represent and the fun old styles too:)

jmb said...

Now that is some family, all gathered together for a happy occasion. Have a good weekend Bonggamom.

Leslie: said...

Wow! You're lucky to have such a huge family! :D

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful large family!! mine isn't , so I love those big family crowds.
Happy hunting and happy weekend !

jams o donnell said...

Now that IS a wonderful family shot. It's been a very long time since our wxtended family has been together. Happy weekend

Heart of Rachel said...

You have a beautiful big family. It's a blessing to have a close knit family.

Carver said...

What a great family shot. My extended family means a lot to me too.

Cathi said...

A large and lovely family indeed you have. I would love to have a very large family. Thanks for sharing.

Randi said...

What a beautiful family shot of your huge and happy family.
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

i know that us,filipinos,we always think of our family first.

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Wonderful and so large!!! Great post, too. :)

I have some very vintage photos up for my Photo Hunt today! I hope you can get a chance to see and leave your link.

Clara said...

You have a beautiful family! How blessed your grandmother is to see her family grow so large. I'm sure you all cherish her and each other.

deedee said...

I love your big family photo.

Anonymous said...

how nice to have such a large family! Thanks for visiting mine and have a great week!

MJ Tam said...

What a big and beautiful family!!! I love it! You look lovely in it too.