Fridays Feast # 153

Describe a toy you remember from your childhood.
My sister and I were crazy about Barbie dolls. One of the best Christmases ever was waking up to find that Santa had given us a Barbie ski lodge, fully assembled on the dining room table and ready to play with.

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being highest) how observant are you?
Zero, especially when it comes to my husband's grooming habits. Sometimes I will compliment him on his new haircut, and he will roll his eyes and tell me he had it cut two weeks ago.

Where would you rather be at this very moment?
I'm happy to be right where I am: at home with the people I love. It's corny, but true.

Main Course
When was the last time you learned something new?
On Mother's Day, my husband took me sailing and I discovered that it's fun!

Fill in the blank: I have ___but I haven’t ____.
I have read the final Harry Potter book twice already, but I haven't tired of it yet. It's an amazing end to a great series!

For more feasts, click here.


Anonymous said...

I love your salad!! Wow, you read HP twice already!! Great. Great feast.

Joseph C. Harris said...

Wow! I haven't even read it once yet. My feast is now up.

Ingrid said...

I am not Harry Potter at all, but why don't you publish the end of the story, lol ?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you have read that huge book two times!! WOW!

Anonymous said...

I love your salad! I answered Barbie to the appetizer, too. But a ski lodge!! Wow! I always wanted a Barbie Dream House and never got one.

Annie said...

Great feast, happy Friday!
My Life as Annie!

Eleisia said...

Great feast!
Loved your salad. You sound very content.
Glad the end of the Harry Potter series was amazing. Thanks for not giving the ending away. I have the book but haven't started reading yet.

Juzahlyn said...

awww your salad is so sweet...great answers..happy friday

Anonymous said...

Hey Bongga Mom!

I love your feast! I can relate to everything :)

We have the same appetizer. Barbie is really a part of history na. You soup is funny! I can relate to your salad. I can lose everything but not my family :)

And your dessert... I've read the book thrice, 3rd time last night and I still gasp, cry and laugh with the characters :)

Happy Friday, Bongga Mom! :)

Michelle Quinno said...

Wow, a ski lodge?!! I'd be in heaven!

You're the second person today who is totally happy where they are. That's great!

deedee said...

I like your salad, the key to true happiness.

Erin said...

Your soup was funny. I'm the opposite. My husband can't go more than a couple days without shaving and I'm on his case : ) Great feast! Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Great Feast! I'm noticing a trend with Barbies as the toy we remember!

Heart of Rachel said...

I was fond of barbie dolls too when I was young. I loved playing 'house' with my dolls.

Wow, how wonderful that you have read HP twice already. As for me, I have yet to get my copy.