If you've been following my @bonggamom or @bonggafinds tweets for the past couple of months, I'm sure you've noticed a fair number of them contain the #momspotting hashtag. For those who don't know what that is, I’ve been participating in BlogHer’s Family Connections citizen journalism project as a Momspotter. Basically that means I tweet a few times a day with the #momspotting hashtag about how I use technology in my day-to-day parenting life.
This week a bunch of Momspotters are participating in a fun meme about digital parenting. Feel free to laugh at my lame answers and leave a comment on this post -- I promise I'll drop by your blog sometime this week to thank you for spreading the commenting love. Even better, join the meme and share with everyone how technology affects your parenting style! Leave a link to your post on the Mr. Linky below, or in the comments section, and I'll visit your meme post sometime this week and leave a comment.
(By the way, if you leave a comment on this post or do the meme on your own blog, you'll be eligible for an extra entry in my Chocolate Cheerios giveaway! Head on over to the giveaway post to see what you could win!)
1. Which expensive electronic device do you most often let your older children abuse or your baby drool on?
Our Bose cd player. Which is why it has been broken for about 6 months now.
2. How many take-out restaurant numbers do you have programmed into your phone?
We don't do take-out. If I'm going to be spared the cooking then I want to be spared the cleaning up and the washing up as well!
3. How many hours of television do you so totally not let your kids watch a week?
Technically each kid is supposed to be allowed 1 hour of screen time a day, which includes video game time, computer time and tv time. But on weekends or days that I'm totally engrossed in blogging........
4. Do you think people who say “we don’t watch television” at playdates but really mean “we just watch DVDs” are lying liars from Liarville?
Yes, and Alfie and I are the mayor and vice-mayor of that lovely little town.
5. How many miles have you driven with your child and not one device of electronic entertainment in a single car trip?
Usually our rule of thumb is that you should be able to entertain yourself by listening to Kidz Bop or staring out the window or hitting an adjacent sibling on trips shorter than 20 miles or so. But remember, we are the mayor and vice-mayor of Liarville so that 20 miles maaaaaay occasionally lose a zero.
6. What’s your record for calls to the pediatrician or Ask-a-Nurse in a single day?
I think it must have been about 3 in a single night -- that was when The Pea was about a week old and she spat up blood after a feeding. We were new, sleep-deprived parents and it didn't occur to us that the blood was probably from me (newborn learning to breastfeed, nipples unaccustomed to breastfeeding, you get the picture).
7. What’s the sexiest thing your husband/partner could text you after a hard day?
If Alfie ever texted me that he'd had a "hard day", that term alone would provide fodder for many, many naughty texts.
8. What’s your favorite iPad joke?
Aunt Flo will be so happy!
9. What’s the dumbest parenting tool, gear, gadget or device you ever bought?
The Pee-pee Teepee. What is that, you may ask? Read my post about it here....
10. How many years will it take for your child to become more tech-savvy than you?
Not long, which is why we're limiting their screen time!
Disclaimer: I have not been compensated for this particular post but I do receive compensation for my participation in BlogHer's Family Connections project. Although I have offered extra entries in my Chocolate Cheerios giveaway as an incentive to join this meme, BlogHer and Sprint (sponsors of the Family Connections project) are in no way affiliated with that giveaway or with the giveaway sponsors (General Mills and MyBlogSpark).
Thanks for visiting! I'm with you on #7, what is the point of take-out if you use real dishes, etc?
I so want a Bose cd player. No. 7 really had me cracking up. My husband looked at me like whacha up to. LOL
I agree about takeout. Actually, if I'm going to spend the money for restaurant food, then I want to be waited on. Thankfully, Sophie hasn't been allowed to drool on our Bose wave radio yet. Thankfully, it doesn't have any interesting buttons to keep her attention.
We only let our kids watch a movie on long car trips (over 3 hours), this works really good because then it's a treat that they appreciate and it keeps them extra occupied!
I'm sorry but that peepee teepee gadget is hilarious!
3 I don't usually have a rule on tv or video games.. they pretty much know when chores and homework need to be done.
Good grief! Who thought up The Pee-pee Teepee?
Reading: The Pee-pee Teepee,that is so funny!They really make one of these to buy?
I nearly did a pee pee because I was laughing so much at the "pee pee teepee". I need to get one of them
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