Where's Jammy's Hand?

I couldn't resist featuring yet another shot of Jammy snowboarding at Soda Springs. In case you're wondering, his left hand did not fall off due to frostbite. Maybe he put it in his pocket to keep it warm!

For more hands, click here.


  1. Hihihi, glad you were quick to clarify whereabouts of left arm.

    Happy weekend.

  2. You're so silly! I loved this photo with Jammy's hand missing! Cute photo for the word this week! My hunt is up early too, please come and visit when you can

  3. Cute! He's just trying to keep warm - and maybe give Mom a heart attack, right?

    Trying to reverse a personal trend, I'm "celebrating" over at my place - hope you'll stop by...

  4. You have to really watch those disappearing hands... where is the helmet?
    Mine is up here.

  5. This is too funny. Gotta warm those hands up somehow! Nice choice for the Hunt.
