Monday Mornings: Yoga

Lately 3Po and Jammy have been joining me in front of the television whenever I pop in an exercise DVD. They are so serious about following the instructor and "getting my body healthy" that it's difficult not to smile. One weekend morning Alfie captured our mommy-and-me yoga session. I tell you, there is no better way to start the day than watching your five-year-old attempt to stay in Vrikshasana without toppling over doing some yoga.

How is your morning going? If you leave a link to your Monday Morning post in the comments section, I'll go visit and leave a comment.


  1. Oh that is so cute! What yoga video do you recommend?

  2. I LOVE The Biggest Loser! LOL Do you recommend that DVD then??

  3. Hey girlie! I just wanted to let you know that you won my Funky Monkey snack giveaway... shoot me an email with your mailing information

    counrygirlcitylife @
