I'm going to BlogHer!

I'm Going to BlogHer '09

The results are in... and I didn't win. The full Label Daddy BlogHer '09 sponsorship, that is. That went to two talented bloggers, Miranda and Bridgette. I'll admit I'm kind of bummed about not winning the big prize -- I didn't think my entry totally sucked, did it? -- but their entries were so well-planned, well-executed, well-everything, that I know they totally deserved to win. How could anyone mind losing to someone who actually velcro'd herself to a wall?! Brilliant! So congratulations, you two!

In any case, there's a happy ending for me as well, because I won one of Label Daddy's other BlogHer contests -- their conference pass giveaway over at Momma Findings!! Hot Damn, I think I'm actually going to BlogHer! (okay, I'll stop with all the exclamation points now, my ears are ringing a bit)

Of course, I still have to figure out transportation and lodging. I think I might have to dip into my airline miles stash to minimize the cash outlay. Sure, the only flights that qualify for airline miles seem to be red-eyes or ones with multiple connections, but beggars can't be choosers, right? I'll be spending hours at the airport, but as long as there's wifi around, it can't be too bad (see, I'm brimming with optimism).

As for lodging, I'm hoping to avoid shelling out $200 per night, for 3 nights, at the Sheraton Towers, so I'll need to shout out for some roommates. There's also the option of channeling my inner hobo and staying at the HI Chicago hostel -- hey, you get wifi access, a central location, and just 6 people to a dorm for $33 per night. I'm just wondering whether it's going to be much cheaper than sharing a room at the Sheraton if I have to pay for a cab to get back to the hostel every night....

I'll figure it out one way or another. The important thing is, I get to display that "I'm going to BlogHer" badge and savor the thought of all the great learning, networking and connecting that's coming my way.


  1. Congrats on winning the sponsorship! Looking forward to meeting you!

  2. Congrats on the conference sponsorship! :) I can't wait to meet you there!

  3. What about $161 a night at a Club Quarters hotel that's a half mile away?

    Pwede ba? I've stayed at a CQ hotel in Philly and it was pretty nice. Small rooms but who needs a big room anyway? The important thing: clean bathrooms!!!!

    I was so happy to read that you're going! Hurrah :).

  4. Yay! Now I'll "know" someone there. I can't wait to read all about it.

  5. I'm so glad you're going to get to go! :)

  6. I'm so glad you're going to get to go! :)

  7. I'm so glad you're going to get to go! :)

  8. Congrats on your win! I hope you get to work everything out! I hope to go myself, maybe we'll get to meet there!

    Rachel Ferrucci

