Being Thankful

I'm proud to present our guest poster of the day, The Pea. Her class had an open house (the kids invite their parents into the classroom and show off what they've been working on) recently, and a couple of Pea's works caught my eye . It looks like the class was working on cinquains (five line poems), and she chose her daddy and me as the lucky subjects.

Here are her poems (I've typed them out in case the photos are too small to read):

My mommy
loveable and careing
Walks me to school
As nice as a tender kitten (even)
If only she didn't get sooo angry.

My Daddy
works and care's for us.
In the offie all day
As grate as the best dad ever
If only he let me have moore chocolate.

She's such a sweet girl. It really makes parenting worth it when you know your kids are thankful for the things that you do. As for those last lines, well, I'm just thankful that she didn't write anything worse.

For more ways to be thankful, click here.


  1. Oh how sweet! What a wonderful treasure to keep.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Oh how sweet! What a wonderful treasure to keep.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. More chocolate? Yep, she's got her priorities right. :)

    I've got family in mine too, but it's not the same.

  4. How sweet! :) That is something to keep!

    My thankful post is up too!
    Happy weekend :)

  5. Oh that is heartwarming. Out of the mouth of babes, oh so nice to hear.

  6. This is sooooo sweet!!! And yes I know - really something to be thankful for :)

  7. More chocolates, :D This is a sweet note from your sweet child :)

    Thanks for the virtual friendship BM and I wish you a happy Sunday :)

  8. Awww... that's so sweet!

    OMG -- Angry? I also get that from mu kids, LOL!
    Have a great weekend!

  9. You will tresure this for ever! My kids are grown now and I have very few writings of theirs...I should have saved more and taken more photos...but they are all in their 30's now...I'm getting on in my years!LOL! My hunt is up sweetie, please come and visit

  10. You will tresure this for ever! My kids are grown now and I have very few writings of theirs...I should have saved more and taken more photos...but they are all in their 30's now...I'm getting on in my years!LOL! My hunt is up sweetie, please come and visit

  11. I love how you handled the theme this week. This is adorable.

    If you have time, please visit my photo hunt this week.

    JyLnC's Photo Hunt

  12. I also write notes for my parent when I was young.

  13. That is so sweet! Love the poems.
    I posted late, come on by for a quick laugh.

  14. Those are very heartwarming poems. So sweet!

  15. Those poems are definitely scrapbook worthy! I love the If only. . .

  16. HAHA boy does this bring back memories! Out of the mouths of babes. At least she had the thankful things first! Hope your framing these.

    Rachel Ferrucci

