Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge at Disneyland

If you are a Star Wars fan (and who isn't??), you simply must visit Star Wars Land at Disneyland or Disney World! The level of attention to detail is simply amazing, and just walking around the place is an experience. You really feel like you have stepped into a galaxy far, far away. Every little corner is crammed with machinery, landscaping, equipment, and characters from the movies.

One of the highlights of Star Wars Land is the full-scale replica of the Milennium Falcon, Han Solo's ship. It's absolutely amazing and people line up to pose in front of it. Make sure you look for an official Disney photographer because they know exactly where to position you to get the perfect photo. You are not obligated to purchase their photos and they will even take a photo for you with your own camera.

Visitors don't just get to pose outside the Milennium Falcon, they can actually "go inside" the Milennium Falcon, sit at the famous monster chess table, and fly the craft themselves! Smugglers Run  is a ride simulator where groups of 6 get to enter the Milennium Falcon cockpit and take it for a spin. Each person is assigned a task - pilot, engineer, etc.. I was happy not to be the pilot because motion simulators make me dizzy, so I happily took on the role of engineer and pressed a couple of buttons while enjoying the happiness on Jamjo and 3Po's faces.

The other big ride in Star Wars Land is Rise of the Resistance. It's the one that everyone flocks to first thing in the morning because wait times regularly hit 120 minutes and more. I don't want to put any spoilers for the ride here, just know that it's amazing!

Another fun thing to do in Star Wars Land? Shop! You really feel like you are in a bazaar on the desert planet of Tattooine. Some of the light sabers and Jedi robes cost an arm and a leg, but even just looking around is entertaining.

Finally, this wouldn't be a proper Galaxy's Edge post without mentioning the food. The food is some of the best in the entire park! Everything is themed to Star Wars, from the alien-looking Coke and Sprite bottles to the blue milk. Check out Docking Bay 7, Ronto Roasters, and -- if you can get a reservation -- Oga's Cantina. Make sure you set aside some time to eat, shop, and play at Galaxy's Edge, it's a Must Do for anyone visiting Disneyland or Disney World! 

Photo credits:
  • By Laika ac -, CC BY-SA 2.0,
  • By Laika ac -, CC BY-SA 2.0,
  • By Tomás Del Coro from Las Vegas, Nevada, USA - Millennium Falcon Star Wars Galaxy's Edge Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California, CC BY-SA 2.0,
  • By Jeremy Thompson -, CC BY 2.0,
  • By Jeremy Thompson -, CC BY 2.0,

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