How to make a Recorder Case from Duck Tape

Duck Tape recorder case, a craft by Bonggamom

3Po and Jammy start music lessons today!  3Po has decided he wants to play the cello, while Jammy has opted for saxophone. For some reason, while strings players learn on their instrument from day 1, woodwind players are required to learn the recorder in 4th grade, and move up to their chosen instruments in 5th and 6th grade.  So Jammy is stuck with his sister's old recorder this year.

The Pea's recorder is in excellent condition, but she lost the recorder case probably 2 weeks after she got it, and Jammy is full of anxiety at the thought of being the only kid in 4th grade without a recorder case (the things kids worry about!).  My skill with a sewing machine is below beginner level, so I decided to take inspiration from the Duck Tape craft session we attended last week at the Family Forward retreat, and make a recorder case out of Duck Tape!   I hope Jammy likes it....

How to Make a Duck Tape Recorder Case

1 roll of solid color Duck Tape
1 roll of patterned Duck Tape
A good quality box cutter for cutting the tape
A metal ruler, for holding the tape down and cutting nice, straight lines
A cutting mat or old wooden chopping board

Cut 3 strips of solid color tape to a length that is 2-3 inches longer than the length of your recorder.  Cut 2 more strips of solid color tape to a length that is 3-4 inches longer than the first 3 (the extra length is for the foldover flap of your recorder case).  Carefully lay the strips out on your work surface, with edges overlapping, to make a single sheet.  The 2 longer strips should be at the bottom and the 3 shorter strips should be at the top.
Duck Tape recorder case, a craft by Bonggamom

Cut 3 strips of patterned tape, matching the lengths of the 3 shorter solid tape strips plus about 1/2 inch extra.  Cut 3 more strips of patterned tape, matching the lengths of the 2 longer solid tape strips, plus about 1/2 inch extra.  Carefully lay your strips of patterned tape over the solid tape, making sure that the patterned tape overhangs the solid tape on all sides.
Duck Tape recorder case, a craft by Bonggamom

Flip the sheet over so that the solid color is on top.
Duck Tape recorder case, a craft by Bonggamom

Trim the bottom edge and one side edge, but leave one long edge (see the bottom edge in the photo below) untouched so a strip of sticky patterned tape remains.  I folded over the excess patterned tape around the top flap, so it made a nice edge and contrasting inner border.  I also cut thin strips of patterned tape and stuck them to the top edges to make a contrasting trim.
Duck Tape recorder case, a craft by Bonggamom

Fold the sheet over so that the solid colored tape lines the inside of the case, and the patterned tape covers the outside.  Use the remaining sticky edge to seal the case.
Duck Tape recorder case, a craft by Bonggamom

Tape up the bottom of the case.  You can do a simple seal, or fold the bottom edges over to make a flat bottom, like a paper bag (if you don't know how to do it, follow this great paper bag tutorial, using Duck Tape instead of washi tape).
Duck Tape recorder case, a craft by Bonggamom

Cut two thin lengths of tape and stick them together, back to back, to make a single thin strip.  Loop the strip around the case (see the orange strip in the photo below!) use tape to secure it near the top of the recorder case.
Duck Tape recorder case, a craft by Bonggamom

To close your recorder case, simply fold over the top flap and tuck it into the strip.  Jammy's recorder already has a strap, but if yours doesn't, then make another thin strip (by cutting 2 thin lengths of tape and sticking them together, back-to-back), fold into a loop, and secure the loop to the top end of the recorder case with more tape.
Duck Tape recorder case, a craft by Bonggamom

I'm sure this case is waaay cooler than the original case :)

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