The Pea's first crepes

The Pea started a week of cooking camp yesterday, and she had mixed feelings about her first day.  She didn't know anyone in her class, and everyone else was attending camp with a friend, so she found it difficult to join a cooking group and spent lunch hour by herself.  My heart goes out to her, but it's one of those learning experiences you have to let your child go through, and I have no doubt (okay, maybe just a teeny doubt) that she'll finish the week with some new friends.

On the plus side, she's learning to cook some pretty awesome desserts!  Yesterday she learned how to make apple fritters and crepes, and there's more deliciousness in store for her.  Actually, there's more deliciousness in store for the whole family, because fortunately for us, The Pea loves to try out what she learned in class!  Last night we had Nutella and blueberry crepes for dessert, made from scratch by The Pea.  Her first few crepes were thick and misshapen, but practice makes perfect and her last crepes were perfectly thin and golden brown.

1 cup milk
4 large eggs
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 cup sifted flour
  1. Mix first 5 ingredients together.
  2. Gradually add 1 cup sifted flour.
  3. Coat a griddle or medium frying pan with cooking spray and set to medium heat.
  4. Use a soup ladle to measure and pour the crepe batter onto the pan/griddle.  The batter is thin, so it will spread out quickly; use the curved bottom part of the ladle to spread the batter even further. 
  5. Flip the crepe over when the edges are crispy and the center is bubbly.  
  6. Once the top of the crepe is dry, spread Nutella over half of the crepe and fold it over like an omelette.
  7. Leave the crepe in the pan for a minute or so, then transfer to a plate.
  8. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top and serve with blueberries on the side.
  9. Enjoy!

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