Restroom signs at Legoland Windsor

I didn't think any theme park could compare with Disney for witty, cute restroom signs, but I was proved wrong when we visited Legoland Windsor in July.  This was our third visit to the park, but on our previous two visits I hadn't started photographing restroom signs yet (I guess I was too preoccupied with changing diapers before they exploded or getting a potty-training kid to a toilet before he ended up spending the rest of the day with wet clothes, to notice cute restroom signs).  I dare anyone to say they are not as adorable as the ones at Disney (is it too weird to use the words "adorable" and "restroom" in the same sentence?):

The minifig boy and little minifig girl on the restroom doors are frank to the point of funny.  What child (or grownup) doesn't feel this way when standing in line to pee?  Any parent would recognize that panicky little dance  anywhere!

Not even handicapped park visitors are exempt for waiting in line for the toilet!  It's nice to see that LEGO's sense of humor is fully accessible.

In fact, the only LEGO minifig who didn't look thoroughly miserable is the baby on the family restroom/changing room door.  But then, what does he have to be miserable about?  He's at Legoland!  It's his poor minifig mom with the upside down smile.

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  1. How funny--someone at Legoland has a pretty good sense of humor!

  2. :-) I must say this is one of the cutest one. I saw some bathroom signs in Taiwan and they were --too vivid!
