31 Days of Pink: Week 1 Recap

So I've been wearing something pink every day since October 1, and all I can say after one week is, Boy, I've got a ton pink stuff.

Think about it: I managed to wear a different pink item every day in October. That's 31 pink things. They weren't all clothing items, but still, I own 31 pink things. Actually, I own more than 31 pink things, because so far I've only repeated 1 item from last year, a pink necklace:

I'm sure I'll end up repeating quite a few things, but I've also acquired a few more pink pieces over the past year, like my pink running shirt from the 2011 Big Sur Marathon, some pink flip-flops and this new pink shirt:

I even own some pink things that I didn't get around to wearing last year, like this pink and black blouse:

I think it's going to become painfully obvious how much I like pink -- and worse, how much shopping I do!

You can see all my pink outfits on my 31 Days of Pink Photo Album on Picasa, and check out my Pink Post series on Bonggamom Finds, featuring some great products that benefit breast cancer research. Oh, and remember to get your mammograms!

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