Aloha Friday - Getting Wet

About Aloha Friday: Aloha Friday is a fun, simple meme from Kailani at An Island Life. Every Friday she asks a simple question on her blog, invites participants to answer her question in the comments section, then invites participants to ask a question of their own on their own blogs. Every day feels like a summer Friday over in Hawaii, so I'm making Aloha Friday one of my summer blogging goals -- to join the meme every Friday until school starts!

The Sony PSP Summer Family Fun program has ended, so I'm giving you all a break from my videogame-related questions and moving on to other kinds of summer fun. This week my thoughts are turning to water, lovely cool water.

Today's Aloha Friday Question: Beach or Pool?

Call me a city girl, but I've always preferred a chlorinated pool to a salty sea. I have never really enjoyed swimming in the ocean because my eyes hurt too much, and all that sand sticking to your bathing suit can be such a hassle. Of course, if you're comparing a deserted tropical beach with warm, bright turquoise shores to a crowded public pool with babies doing God-knows-what in the water then I'll take the beach any day, thank you very much!

How about you, are you a beach bunny or pool person?

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