
The monthly task we all dread.... paying bills! Thank God for automatic payments and electronic transfers. Even if I had to write out the checks manually, since today is my birthday, this is ONE task I am NOT going to suffer through today :)

This photo was inspired by the latest Photo Hunt theme. Feel free to leave links to your own Photo Hunt entries below. And for more Monthlies, click here.


  1. Oh HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Just enjoy and forget bills ^_^

    Photo Hunt~Monthly

  2. Happy Birthday, hope you are enjoying the weekend :-)

  3. Happy Birthday!!

    I do my bills the old fashioned way every other Sunday and can I tell you each time I do I get huge knots in my belly..ughh I hate paying bills LOL

  4. Thanks to the automatic deductions, there's less headache to balance the monthly expenditures! Most of mine are on GIRO, except for two which I paid using internet transfer.
