Photo Hunt: Balance

You don't get much more balance in a photo than this: two sets of identical twins, two sexes, in matching yellow outfits (in fact, if 3Po hadn't insisted on hamming it up, we'd have had identical expressions on all 4 faces). On our last day in Manila the kids and I attended an extended family reunion, and we ran into these little ladies. They're daughters of a cousin of mine, and they're about 6 months older than 3Po and Jammy.

Here's the last time these four were in a photo together:
The girls are already looking identical, but at this point 3Po and Jammy looked so different from each other that Alfie and I were seriously doubting their identical diagnosis. We paid $200 to get a full DNA analysis, which of gave us the result: identical. We should have saved our money, because two month after this photo was taken we couldn't tell one boy from the other.

Feel free to leave links to your own Photo Hunt entries below. And for more balancing acts, click here.


  1. this is a great take! happy weekend.

  2. i love your story and the subjects. nice take on the theme!

    thanks for the visit. :)

  3. Oh my gosh! Two sets of identical twins! You're right - it doesn't get more balanced than that! They're adorable!

  4. oh, i love the past and present pics. You can see how they've grown. they're so cute!

  5. Adorable kids and how cool to see two sets of twins!

  6. Such adorable children and you're right, it doesn't get more balanced than that. Great idea for the theme.

  7. Interesting that you thought your twins didn't look identical in the second photo. I think the do -- more so than their girl cousins, in fact! :D

  8. wow! twin set of twins! what a treat =] i hope more of double the joy and less of the double the headache hehe

    thanks for visiting my blog earlier =]

  9. Wow1 That is so cool, especially with the not-so-long-ago pic also posted :)

  10. those are adorable twins and cool take on the theme.

  11. Aww what a delightful photo. They are all so adorable!

  12. Wonderful balance. Studies show that even identical twins often develop individual characteristics later on.

  13. Oh wow! two sets of twins, very balanced.

  14. I've never known of anyone with a number in their name. Nice balance. I always enjoy getting around and seeing the different views of this weeks theme. Yours is cool!
    Drop by and check mine here.

  15. Identical twins are amazing! Nice photos. :)

  16. balanced indeed!

    nice photo for the theme. thank you for visiting my entry.
