Behind the Scenes from A Byte out of Life

The Silicon Valley Moms Group and Yahoo! Video have come up with another Byte out of Life segment. This week's topic is all about Who's Following You on Twitter. It's a hilarious video featuring two of my favorite SV Mom bloggers, Jane and Beth. They look so natural on camera!

Speaking of natural, as you know from my recent Office Max experience, when it comes to the camera, nothing is as it seems. Watching this latest video reminded of me of the one I filmed with Linda and Akemi about twins and kindergarten (it debuted last week; you can still watch it here on A Byte Out of Life). I never did get around to doing posting on that here (I did do a post about it on Bonggamom Finds), so I thought I'd take a cue from my Office Max posts and give everyone a Byte of Out of Life, Behind the Camera.

First up, here's Sheila, Linsey and Myrna dishing up about kids and technology on another Byte out of Life video. When I saw how pretty they looked, I immediately wished I had put on anything other than my pair of jeans (Yes, they are my best pair, but they're still jeans. Oh well, I am a mom and that's what moms wear). They taped their segment immediately before we taped ours, so I was able to catch them on the set. Except in this case, we didn't have an actual set. We filmed at SV Mom co-founder Jill's mother's house, which is so beautiful, indoors and out, that nothing needed to be added to make it camera-ready.

I mean, come on, just look at that bougainvillea! It's like a team of gardeners worked for weeks to get it blooming just in time for the taping. The pink flowers make the perfect accent to the stucco arch, and the perfect frame for Akemi's lovely face.

Just like with Office Max, we didn't have a formal script, but we each had our own talking points and we more or less knew what we were going to say. Occasionally we had to do a retake because we flubbed our lines, or our mikes needed readjusting, or we had to cut taping while a plane flew overhead, but on the whole things moved pretty smoothly.

The series is produced by The Go-To Mom, Kimberley Clayton Blaine, who's an SV Mom herself. Here she is holding up something that looks like a car sunshade (I'm sure anyone who's into photography will have a more technical name for it) to diffuse the afternoon sunshine.

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Our final segment was completely impromptu; Kimberly had us talk about anything and everything we wanted. We ended up talking about "twin skin", of all things. That's the bit of loose skin that hangs over our bellybutton -- a souvenir from our twin pregnancy that will never ever go away. Jill took this cute photo of the three of us and posted it on Twitpic. We all look great, especially since our twin skin isn't showing at all. It was a great experience and I feel really lucky that I was selected to be a part of it!

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