Pink Pancakes

A photo left over from last Saturday... Alfie's Valentine breakfast. He slept in later than usual because he wasn't feeling well, and I took the opportunity to make him a special Valentine's Day breakfast in bed, complete with pink heart-shaped pancakes and Irish oatmeal that I had to simmer on the stove for 30 minutes. And after all this effort, when I took the tray upstairs, I found him pulling on his jeans to go downstairs. Aggravating man! He did enjoy my Valentine's Day present (he liked the oatmeal so much that for the past couple of days he's been lamenting the fact that we're in too much of a rush on weekday mornings to spend 30 minutes to make oatmeal).
Oh, I enjoyed my Valentine's Day present too -- Alfie did all the breakfast cleanup. Now that's love.

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