Monday Mornings: I'm fabulous!

Last Monday I received this nice award from My Bella Figlia -- isn't that a great way to start the week off? Thanks, Shangrila -- it's nice to be told I'm fabulous on a day when I have to rush out of the house with breakfast half-eaten and my hair sticking up in every direction. And before I give 5 other bloggers that same Monday Morning lift by passing the award on, I'd like to begin my acceptance speech....

Okay, it's not the Oscars, so I'll nix the speech, but do I get to list things that I am "into" right now:

1) Oatmeal. Eating it. Cooking with it. And most importantly, donating it to hungry people via the Quaker Oats' Start With Substance program.

2) Getting to the BlogHer '09 conference in Chicago. The cost is daunting, but I've applied for a BlogHer scholarship and joined sponsorship contests here and there. You never know...

3) Soup. I've been having a bowl of soup for lunch almost every day, and I love the warm feeling in my tummy on a cold day.

4) Webkinz. The Pea wants to have a Webkinz birthday party when she turns 8, so I'm obsessing over party ideas that don't involve purchasing $16.00 stuffed animals for each and every party guest.

5) The octuplets' mother. I'm into her in a negative way, as in "I hope no one helps her exploit her children for financial gain and attention because it's wrong, wrong, wrong".

And now I get to pass this award on. To Poppy Fields, Tech Savvy Mama, MJ, Rachel, and mom2ag, I say -- Your Blog is Fabulous! To everyone else, do take a minute to stop by their blogs, leave a comment and make their Monday Morning a good one!

How is your morning going? If you leave a link to your latest post in the comments section, I'll go visit and leave a comment.


  1. *Blushing* Thanks so much for the award! I'm truly honored! :)

  2. Other than it is now night here, things are fabulous. Thanks for the award...I still have my fingers crossed for you getting a trip to BlogHer!

  3. Thank you for thinking of me. I appreciate this award.
